doushi9856 2019-03-25 20:09
浏览 2640

Swagger注释和OpenAPI v3.0中“Produces”的注释是什么?

On OpenAPI v2.0 and Swagger PHP the annotation for Produces was:

 * @SWG\Get(
 *      path="/posts",
 *      operationId="getPosts",
 *      tags={"Authentication"},
 *      produces="application/json"
 *      summary="Returns the posts",
 *      description="Returns the posts",
 *      @SWG\Response(
 *          response=200,
 *          description="Successful operation"
 *      ),
 * )

But On OpenAPI v3.0 and Swagger PHP I cannot find on how to annotate the produces on the documentation it states the it is now an attribute of the response @OA\Response but I can not find an example I already try just putting "content" = "application/json" but it doesn't work.

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  • dougang2749 2019-03-26 09:22

    You define all the possible response content types for each @OA\Response.


         * @OA\Response(
         *         response=200,
         *         description="successful operation",
         *         @OA\JsonContent(
         *             type="array",
         *             @OA\Items(ref="#/components/schemas/Pet")
         *         ),
         *         @OA\XmlContent(
         *             type="array",
         *             @OA\Items(ref="#/components/schemas/Pet")
         *         )
         *     ),

    If your endpoint only generates JSON content, only define the entry for @OA\JsonContent.

    See the full example here.

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