i have a problem whit a error: maximum size of arrays in php, $ids has a maximum and i don't know how to resolve it. Array size is limited only by amount of memory your server has. I 'll get out of memory" error and i can not change php.ini I need optimize this funcctions, some idea ?
function delete_ScormByIdPlataforma($idPlatforma)
if ($this->getIdScormVarsToDelete($idPlatforma) != 0)
$ids = $this->getIdScormVarsToDelete($idPlatforma);
$this->db->where_in('ID_dispatch', $ids);
//log_message('error', 'No se han encontrado scorms a borrar'.$this->db->_error_message().' - '.$this->db->last_query());
function getIdScormVarsToDelete($idPlataforma)
$this->db->from('scormvars as s');
$this->db->join('dispatch as d', 's.ID_dispatch = d.ID_dispatch', 'INNER');
$this->db->join('licencias as l', 'd.ID_licencia = l.ID_licencia','INNER');
$this->db->where('l.id_plataforma', $idPlataforma);
$query = $this->db->get();
foreach ($query->result() as $fila){
$data[] = $fila->ID_dispatch;
return array_unique($data);
//log_message('error', 'No se han encontrado Dispatch a borrar'.$this->db->_error_message().' - '.$this->db->last_query());
return 0;