dqq3623 2015-04-09 01:11
浏览 765


How do you specify the path to the php.ini file in PhpStorm?

I am trying to build run configurations for Built-in Web Server and PHPUnit, but I cannot figure out how to specify the path of the php.ini file.

The only resource that I can find is this, but it does not appear to work for current versions of PhpStorm.

I have set the interpreter options to --php-ini C:\PHP\php-5.6.7\php.ini. This is the correct path to the file. However, when I get the phpinfo(), it reports:

Configuration File (php.ini) Path   C:\Windows
Loaded Configuration File   (none)
Scan this dir for additional .ini files (none)
Additional .ini files parsed    (none)

(This is related to another question that I asked, but it is specific enough, I think, that a new thread is warranted.)

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  • dongzhuang6177 2015-04-09 09:08

    Working just fine using -c for specifying path to custom php.ini

    enter image description here

    P.S. Ignore the small path difference -- it's because E:\Projects\php\ is a symlink to E:\Projects\php56\ and I did not bother to use "real" path.

    P.P.S. Works for both local "PHPUnit" and "PHP Script" types of Run/Debug configurations.

    I believe that currently it's not possible to provide path to custom php.ini for built-in web server as it uses your default local PHP Interpreter and that has no options for providing custom parameters (except those passed via -d option)

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