duanren9163 2014-12-24 12:05
浏览 222


I am learning php and am making a statement that proves the local variable cannot be called outside a function where it is defined.

I can't seem to get a line break come out in the statement but only a line space.

<title>Testing Global and Local Variables</title>


//Global varaible called after function
$g_test_string="this is the value in the variable outside the function at a global level!";

function printstring()
$l_test_string="this is the value of the variable inside the function at a local level!";

//Calling statements

echo "";
echo 'Global variable value: ' . $g_test_string;
echo 'Local variable value: ' . $l_test_string;



The print out looks like this:

this is the value of the variable inside the function at a local level! Global variable value: this is the value in the variable outside the function at a global level! Local variable value:

I tried a break between the function call and echo for global variable but only produces a line space not a break.

Got to be something simple I imagine.

Many thanks


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  • duanbogan5878 2014-12-24 12:08

    If you want to be sure your line break is cross platform compatible, use PHP_EOL I usually use " ". If you want the linebreak to appear in HTML, use "<br>".

    Edit in response to comments: Here's how you pull as much PHP out of the HTML as possible.

    //Global varaible called after function
    $g_test_string="this is the value in the variable outside the function at a global level!";
    <title>Testing Global and Local Variables</title>
    //Calling statements
    echo "<br>
    echo 'Global variable value: ' . $g_test_string."<br>
    echo 'Local variable value: ' . $l_test_string."<br>
      function printstring()
        $l_test_string="this is the value of the variable inside the function at a local level!";
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