duanguai2781 2014-01-04 11:51
浏览 63


I'm building a single page application for finding a film based on genre. At the moment it uses the POST method on both the main form and the comments form.

The commments form currently gets the film ID using a GET method (this was chosen to avoid refreshing the page which resets the film suggestion process).

At the moment if I hit submit on the main form, the url changes to index.php? and the film successfully loads based on the criteria.

My question is: Why isn't my filmID echoing out in the main form? How can I stick the film ID into the current URL without using the GET method? So for instance if I typed in index.php?filmID=6 it would load up info about "The Dark Knight".

index.php (Trimmed by request)

        //If submit comment pressed, get data and input 
        if(trim($_POST['submit']) == "Submit comment"){ 

            $userID = $_SESSION['userID']; 
            $likeit = $_POST['yesornoList'];
            $filmID = $_GET['filmID']; 

            $comment = clean_string($db_server, $_POST['commentBox']); 
            if ($comment != '') { 
                $query = "INSERT INTO comments (userID, filmID, comment, likeit) 
                          VALUES ('$userID', '$filmID', '$comment', '$likeit')"; 
                mysqli_select_db($db_server, $db_database); 
                mysqli_query($db_server, $query) or 
                        die("Insert failed: " . mysqli_error($db_server)) . $query; 
                echo $commentMessage = "<section>Thanks for your comment!</section>"; 


            if (isset($_POST['genreList']) && ($_POST['genreList'] != "")){
                $genre = clean_string($db_server, $_POST['genreList']);
                //create the SQL query
                $query = "SELECT * FROM films WHERE genreID=$genre ";

                //$endquery = " AND (";
                $endquery = "";
                $orFlag = false;

                if (isset($_POST['streamingCheckbox1']) && ($_POST['streamingCheckbox1'] != '')){                   
                    $endquery .= " netflix IS NOT NULL";
                    $orFlag = true;
                if (isset($_POST['streamingCheckbox2']) && ($_POST['streamingCheckbox2'] != '')){
                        $endquery .= " OR ";
                    $endquery .= " lovefilmInstant IS NOT NULL";
                    $orFlag = true;
                if (isset($_POST['streamingCheckbox3']) && ($_POST['streamingCheckbox3'] != '')){
                        $endquery .= " OR ";
                    $endquery .= " blinkbox IS NOT NULL";
                if($endquery != "") $query .= " AND (" . $endquery . ")";
                $query .= " ORDER BY (SELECT FLOOR(MAX(filmID) * RAND()) FROM films) LIMIT 0,1;"; 

                //query the database
                mysqli_select_db($db_server, $db_database);
                $result = mysqli_query($db_server, $query);
                if (!$result) die("Database access failed: " . mysqli_error($db_server) . $query);

                //if there are any rows, print out the contents
                if ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

                    //Whether to display links or not for purchase and streaming
                    $filmID = $row['filmID'];

                    //Body content for film             
                    $str_result = 
                    "<section> This is where the film details are
                       . $commentMessage . "
                        <form id='frmFilmComments' action='index.php?filmID=" . $filmID . "#comments' method='post'>
                            <a id='comments' class='anchor'></a>
                            <p><span class='bold'>Did you like " . $row['filmName'] ."?</span></p>
                            <select class='selectbox' name='yesornoList'>
                                <option value='Yes'>Yes</option>
                                <option value='No'>No</option>
                            <p><span class='bold'>Provide your feedback here:</span></p>
                            <textarea id='commentBox' class='insertComment' rows='2' cols='30' name='commentBox'></textarea><br>
                            <input class='formButton' type='submit' id='submit' name='submit' value='Submit comment'/>


                    //Code to print comments goes here

                    $str_result = "<section><h3>Sorry</h3><p>We couldn't find any films that match your terms. </br> <a href='#findafilm'>Please try again.</a></p></section>";

                    //$str_result = "<section><h3>Sorry</h3><p>No genre was chosen.</br><a href='home.php'>Please try again.</a></p></section>";        

            $message = $str_result . $likedcomments . $dislikedcomments . "<section/>";


    //Exisiting code to handle options list


            <div id="top" class="content container headerMargin">
                <div class="content wrapper">          

                   <form id="frmFilmFinder" action="index.php?filmID=<?php echo $filmID; ?>" method="post">
                         <h2>Welcome <?php echo $_SESSION['username'] ?>!</h2>
                         <p class="underHeader">You are now logged in and ready to use the Film Finder.</p>
                           <a class="anchor" id="findafilm"></a>
                           <h3>Find a film</h3>
                           <h4>Choose a genre:</h4>
                           <select class="selectbox" name="genreList">
                               <?php echo $str_options; ?>
                           <h4>Choose a streaming service:</h3>
                            <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="streamingCheckbox1" name="streamingCheckbox1" value="Netflix"><span class="checkboxText">Netflix</span><br>
                            <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="streamingCheckbox2" name="streamingCheckbox2" value="LoveFilm"><span class="checkboxText">LoveFilm Instant</span><br>
                            <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="streamingCheckbox3" name="streamingCheckbox3" value="blinkbox"><span class="checkboxText">blinkbox</span><br>
                            <input type="submit" class="formButton filmSearch" id="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/>
                            <p><span class="italic">Leave all unticked if you wish to buy the film</span></p>
                        <?php echo $message; ?>


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  • doulun0651 2014-01-05 06:41

    Principally, you need to be sure that $filmID is set when you write out your forms. It is valid to pass it in the query string (accessible via $_GET['filmID'] even though you are posting the form. It will work and serve its purpose, but be sure to comment what you're doing and why so you remember next time.

    You populate it as $filmID = $_GET['filmID'] but only inside the form processing for your comments form. That means it won't be set unless you're receiving a comment. You ought to move that higher in the logic, checking always if it is set.

    // near the top, outside if() conditions:
    $filmID = isset($_GET['filmID']) ? $_GET['filmID'] : null;

    Consider storing it into $_SESSION['filmID'] the first time you set it and any time it changes, so you have it on any script that needs it.

    Finally, a side issue mentioned in the comments thread, working with MySQLi is a start, begin familiarizing yourself with how prepared statements work with bound parameters via mysqli::prepare(). All your query input variables should be handled via bound parameters, eliminating the need for escaping. This is a general best practice.

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