I am working on PHP and XML. I am sending some values like origin,Destination,Journeydate,Returndate
to a particular URL. As a result according to my Values some XML data is generating in that URL. Now i want to fetch that generated result(XML Data) and print on my page.
I have tried the below code for printing the data of a URL
$url="your url";
$xmlinfo = simplexml_load_file($url);
It is not working.
I think it will work for the URL's which will contain Static XML data.
But here i want to send some values to a url. There the result will generate and then i want to get that generated result.
Here is the code how i am sending the values to URL
<script language="Javascript">
function submit_search()
<form method="post">
XML Request:
<input type="text" name="xmlRequest" id="fromcity"
</AvailRequest>" />
<input type="button" name="SUBMIT" value="submit" onClick="submit_search();"/>
Thanks in Advance, Shoba