douchun2158 2018-01-03 06:34
浏览 79

Symfony 2 - 从表中获取最后一个插入的行

How can I rewrite this code in order to get last inserted record from the table?

$repository = $entityManager->getRepository('AdminBundle:MyTable');
$product = $repository->find($id);

I tried something like


But it did not work for me.

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  • dqsvf28682 2018-01-03 06:48

    You could get the latest record by using findBy() with order by and limit paramters

    $results = $repository->findBy(array(),array('id'=>'DESC'),0,1);
    • First argument is for filter criteria
    • Second argument takes order by criteria
    • Third argument is for limit
    • Fourth argument sets offset

    Note it will return you the results set as array of objects so you can get single object from result as $results[0]

    FindBy() Examples

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