PS D:\A> mftraining -F font_properties -U unicharset -O num_1.unicharset num_1.font.exp0.tr
Warning: No shape table file present: shapetable
Failed to load unicharset from file unicharset
Building unicharset for training from scratch...
Failed to load unicharset from file unicharset
Building unicharset from scratch...
Failed to load unicharset from file unicharset
Building unicharset from scratch...
Failed to load unicharset from file unicharset
Building unicharset from scratch...
Reading num_1.font.exp0.tr ...
Flat shape table summary: Number of shapes = 0 max unichars = 0 number with multiple unichars = 0
Warning: no protos/configs for Joined in CreateIntTemplates()
Warning: no protos/configs for |Broken|0|1 in CreateIntTemplates()
Class->NumConfigs == this->fontset_table_.at(Class->font_set_id).size():Error:Assert failed:in file ../../../src/classify/intproto.cpp, line 948
PS D:\A> cntraining num_1.font.exp0.tr
Reading num_1.font.exp0.tr ...
PS D:\A>
按照这个教程做的,运行到第七步生成出的文件没有 inttemp、pffmtable、normproto 这三个