I am having a problem with my namespace fallbacks and using PSR-4 loader in Composer.
What I am trying to do is this:
- Have a core which can overwritten / extended.
- The core is based off an interface.
The directory structure is like so:
I am not set on this configuration so if you have a better suggestion then go for it.
My composer json is like so for psr-4:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"ACME\\App\\Site\\" : "app/",
"ACME\\App\\" : "src/AMCE/app/"
I thought this would make ACME\App\Site\View fallback to ACME\App\View if the site one was not found (Note I haven't done the interface part yet...).
My code for site/app/View/Example.php is like so:
namespace ACME\App\Site\View;
class ViewExample extends View {
Which works, when I have site/app/View/View.php as well. That looks like:
namespace ACME\App\Site\View;
class View extends \ACME\App\View\View {
The site/src/app/View/View.php look like this:
namespace ACME\APP\View;
class View {
This one should use the interface (I haven't tried yet).
So what I really want to do is make it so I don't have to have site/app/View/View.php, and I don't have to have site/app/View/Example.php - it can use site/src/ACME/app/View/Example.php.
Sorry I'm new to namespaces so I may not of phrased it very well.
What I am getting at is I thought ACME\App\Site would fallback to ACME\App - it doesn't? Or I am doing it wrong? At the moment it needs all the files in place.