I need to create in ColdFusion a 20-characters usable key from a 40-characters key. It's to calculate a HMAC signature.
The server I'm calling verifies the signature with the php package (H *) function.
When I try to create the key to compute the HMAC seal, I cannot calculate the same key as returned by PHP. Pack (H *) returns well 20 characters, but CF (binaryDecode ()), returns 18, some are ignored or the result is different. The signature is not valid.
Ex : If I try to calculate a 20-characters key with this one
PHP return : 2Z�%�+p H�?c�{�, and with CF : 2Z�%�+pH�?c�{�
$key = "325A16A325127FD42B700D4810E83F6312877B92";
$test = pack('H*',$key);
With CF :
local.key = toString(binaryDecode("325A16A325127FD42B700D4810E83F6312877B92", "hex"));
More code :
function hmac_sha1 ($key, $data) {
$length = 64; // block length for SHA1
if (strlen($key) > $length) { $key = pack("H*",sha1($key)); }
$key = str_pad($key, $length, chr(0x00));
$ipad = str_pad('', $length, chr(0x36));
$opad = str_pad('', $length, chr(0x5c));
$k_ipad = $key ^ $ipad ;
$k_opad = $key ^ $opad;
return sha1($k_opad . pack("H*",sha1($k_ipad . $data)));
$key = "325A16A325127FD42B700D4810E83F6312877B92";
$validKey = pack('H*',$key);
$str = "7464052*08/10/2018:14:22:30*65.25EUR*AA123**3.0*FR*carmen*mail@gmail.com**********";
$sign = hmac_sha1($validKey, $str);
$test = pack('H*',$key);
Return: 23e7db20da9b58a47e27c151a65c2393a08ee4f5
local.key = toString(binaryDecode("325A16A325127FD42B700D4810E83F6312877B92","hex"));
local.crypto = createObject("miscellaneous.crypto").init();
local.str = "7464052*08/10/2018:14:22:30*65.25EUR*AA123**3.0*FR*carmen*mail@gmail.com**********";
local.sign = local.crypto.hmacSha1(local.key, local.str, "hex");
Return: ff8d510f348d1a9b3652b33b8e7780c9f8d4536e