I'm trying top decode this JSON data with PHP, but it's not returning anything:
{ "message" : "",
"result" : [ { "Ask" : 0.040400209999999999,
"BaseVolume" : 456.53976963999997,
"Bid" : 0.040200010000000001,
"Created" : "2014-12-19T03:48:49.13",
"High" : 0.044610999999999998,
"Last" : 0.040400199999999997,
"Low" : 0.037999999999999999,
"MarketName" : "BTC-XPY",
"OpenBuyOrders" : 194,
"OpenSellOrders" : 520,
"PrevDay" : 0.042073039999999999,
"TimeStamp" : "2014-12-30T02:45:32.983",
"Volume" : 11072.491576779999
} ],
"success" : true
This is what I have so far:
$pricejson = file_get_contents('https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/public/getmarketsummary?market=btc-xpy');
$price = json_decode($pricejson, true);
echo $price->result->Last;
When I open the php file containing this code, there's nothing. If I use echo $pricejson
, I get the whole thing printed out so I definitely have the data.
What is wrong?