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hi i want to get the this php variable by jquery and use it for ajax this my php code and i use it in php page
function product($li)
$result = mysqli_query($li, "SELECT * FROM product ORDER BY id ASC") or die(mysqli_error($li));
while ($Row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<div class='product'>";
echo "<img src=" . $Row['imageurl'] . " width='100' height='75'>";
echo $Row['farsiname'];
echo $Row['englishname'];
echo $Row['description'];
echo $Row['price'];
echo getid($li , $Row['id']);
echo '<button class="add_to_cart">برو تو سبد</button>';
echo '<input type="hidden" class="id" name="productid" value="' . $Row['id'] . '" />';
echo '</div>';
i want to get $row['id'] by jquery when i click button please help me!