I am not sure how to include the PHP stripe api library into my php file in order to get a list of transactions from my stripe account. I have downloaded the lib source and extracted the contents to a folder into which I saved a file called getStripeTransList.php with the following code inside:-
The error I get is
Class Stripe not found
I have adjusted the code as follows:-
require "Stripe.php";
require "Charge.php";
$transList = Stripe\Charge::all(array("limit" => 3));
The error I now get is 'Stripe\ApiResource' not found in Charge.php. Charge.php looks like this:-
namespace Stripe;
class Charge extends ApiResource
* @param string $id The ID of the charge to retrieve.
with class APIResource declared in APIResource.php. I get the feeling that I have not installed or configured the stripe PHP API library correctly with all these dependencies appearing? How should the library be installed. I try not to use Composer, but will if that is the only way.