i'm trying to show some data via dataview, but for some reason i am getting an emptytext message (No data). Here is my dataview:
xtype : 'dataview',
emptyText : 'No data',
id : 'cartdata',
multiSelect : true,
plugins : new Ext.DataView.DragSelector( { dragSafe : true } ),
store : new Ext.data.JsonStore({
url : '/aecms/user-photos-view/',
autoLoad : true,
root : 'data',
fields : [
listeners : {
scope : this,
load : function(store) {
var data = store.reader.jsonData;
if (data.systemMessage) {
infoReport(data.systemMessage.title, data.systemMessage.message, data.systemMessage.icon);
tpl : new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl for=".">',
'<tpl for="images">',
'<a title="{id}">test</a>',
and this is a data from php:
I am new to extjs and appreciate any help.