乐之殇 2022-12-22 16:08 采纳率: 100%
浏览 22


我在学习数据库 游标 的时候做了一个procedure:输入一个数值,然后输出以这个数为边界的两个表(比如输入60,就是查询及格和不及格的人)

First, create a table containing the names, ages, genders, score and student numbers of students.

create table student_info
    (ID varchar(12), name varchar(24), age tinyint, gender tinyint(1), score int);

Next insert some data.

insert student_info values(01, 'chenjiale', 22, 1, 98);
insert student_info values(02, 'zhangshan', 24, 0, 54);
insert student_info values(03, 'lishi', 18, 1, 100);
insert student_info values(04, 'wangwu', 34, 0, 69);
insert student_info values(05, 'zhaoliu', 26, 1, 12);
insert student_info values(06, 'chenqi', 15, 1, 96);
insert student_info values(07, 'liuba', 64, 0, 59);
insert student_info values(08, 'qiujiu', 74, 0, 49);

create a procedure, the function is to input a score and display two parts of information 
with the score as the boundary.
delimiter //
create procedure get_two_parts(in in_score int)
建立游标,保存<in_score 和 >in_score 的ID 集合
    declare save_id varchar(12);
    declare sub_cur cursor
        for select ID from student_info where score<in_score;
    declare meta_cur cursor
        for select ID from student_info where score>=in_score;
创建两张表 用作显示结果
    create table sub_table like student_info;
    create table meta_table like student_info;
    open sub_cur;
    while !done do
    fetch sub_cur  into save_id;
        insert into sub_table select * from student_info where ID=save_id;
    end while;

    open meta_cur;
    while !done do
    fetch meta_cur  into save_id;
        insert into meta_table select * from student_info where ID=save_id;
    end while;
    close meta_cur;
    close sub_cur;
    select * from sub_table;
    select * from meta_table;
    drop table sub_table;
    drop table meta_table;
    end //

delimiter ;
call get_two_parts(60);


ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'done' in 'field list'

我也试过在insert 之前先判断

if save_id != done then
  insert into meta_table select * from student_info where ID=save_id;
end if;


  • 写回答

1条回答 默认 最新

  • wux_labs 2022-12-22 16:15

    while 条件中的done未定义。
    你需要在存储过程开头定义declare done。

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?
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  • 系统已结题 12月30日
  • 已采纳回答 12月22日
  • 创建了问题 12月22日


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