(1). [a-z]之间至少有1个字母 【判断条件提示:j >= 'a' and j <= 'z',以下类似】
(2). [A-Z]之间至少有1个字母
(3). [0-9]之间至少有1个数字
(4). [@#$%&]中至少有2个字符
如果以下密码作为程序的输入:ABd1#234@1,a F1#@12,2w&a3E,2We3345,dHuD&u12=e, ABd1234@1,则程序的输出应该是:符合密码设定标准的结果为:ABd1#234@1,2w&a3E

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- wux_labs 2022-12-24 20:38关注
def check_password(password): # fill your codes after this line s=[0,0,0,0] for c in password: if c >= '0' and c <= '9': s[0]=1 if c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z': s[1]=1 if c >= 'a' and c <= 'z': s[2]=1 if c in '@#$%&': s[3]+=1 if c == ' ': return False if sum(s) >= 5 and s[3] >= 2 and len(password) >= 7 and len(password) <= 13: return True else: return False # end of your codes # do not modify if __name__ == "__main__": passwords = input().split(',') oks=[] for password in passwords: if check_password(password): oks.append(password) print("符号密码设定标准的结果为:",','.join(oks))
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