dongying6896 2012-11-10 06:41
浏览 221


I am using MPDF library to convert HTML to PDF.

Here is my code.


$MPDF->WriteHTML($html); // Converting

$MPDF->Output('preview.pdf','F'); //Saving to a File

It works , but generating too much errors in error log ,

ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice  --> Undefined index: BODY C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14242
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice  --> Undefined index: BODY>>ID>> C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14288
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice  --> Undefined offset: -1 C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14421
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice  --> Undefined variable: cstr C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 31951
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice  --> Undefined index: DIV C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14242
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice  --> Undefined index: ID>>PRINT_WRAPPER C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14280
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice  --> Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>PRINTWRAPPER C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14284
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice  --> Undefined index: DIV>>ID>>PRINT_WRAPPER C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14288
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice  --> Undefined index: DIV C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14242

anybody have some working experience with this library ? (If it only outputs some errors then we can fix it by changing on the library , but here it gives too much error) , i think that i am missing something.

Please help me.


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  • douyue7536 2012-11-10 06:59

    Is the HTML well formed, and also are all the tags and attributes either all lowercase or all uppercase? Here are the requirements for the HTML as per MPDF documentation:

    Example of an HTML attribute: <div align="center">

    mPDF supports attribute values in single or double quotes e.g. <div align="center"> or <div align='center'>

    Minimised attributes are not supported e.g. <input type="checkbox" disabled />

    XHTML specification is recommended for best compliance with mPDF.

    Also per

    you seem to be using tags that are not supported. BODY for instance is not.

    I would try to limit my HTML to the ones on the documented list and and follow their well formed guidelines and see if the errors get fixed that way. They are only 'notices' so nothing severe, but it would be best to fix them just in case future versions are not as forgiving.

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