I am using MPDF library to convert HTML to PDF.
Here is my code.
$MPDF->WriteHTML($html); // Converting
$MPDF->Output('preview.pdf','F'); //Saving to a File
It works , but generating too much errors in error log ,
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: BODY C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14242
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: BODY>>ID>> C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14288
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined offset: -1 C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14421
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined variable: cstr C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 31951
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: DIV C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14242
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: ID>>PRINT_WRAPPER C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14280
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>PRINTWRAPPER C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14284
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: DIV>>ID>>PRINT_WRAPPER C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14288
ERROR - 2012-11-10 04:45:50 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index: DIV C:\wamp\www\crm\application\libraries\mpdf.php 14242
anybody have some working experience with this library ? (If it only outputs some errors then we can fix it by changing on the library , but here it gives too much error) , i think that i am missing something.
Please help me.