dou47278 2015-03-30 11:50
浏览 365


How to pass a value from php to javascript? I'm working with smarty and i tried this but js seems to take it as a a string. The value is set to 20.

$smarty->assign('settings', $settings); //$settings is an array

$settings is coming from an file, basically it are some settings. i want to select an option in an html doc with that value but it is not working.

<select id="entrys">

and in the js file then:


But no option is selected then not even the first or default value and if i try to print {$settings['frontendEntrys']} it's also not working. It just seems to be taken as a string.

BTW: Is it a good way to pass some settings with smarty or generally? How can i pass the values if i don't use smarty? Would this be correct? Is this a good way, if it's done in an html file?

    var data = <?php echo $settings['entrys']; ?>
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  • dsnd7200 2015-03-30 11:58

    In smarty you can use: {$myarray|@json_encode} Howto generate json with smarty?

    So it would be probably something like this:

        var data = {$settings|@json_encode}

    Then you can access that in js like normal object data.entrys; less php/js mishmash more clear js code.


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