dtp0760 2015-05-27 21:51
浏览 40

如何将.php扩展名添加到Codeigniter 2.x控制器URL

I am using Codeigniter 2.x for a project and have limited knowledge on .htaccess etc.

I've created an RESTful api which can be accessed via "api" controller's "getfeedback" function and was able to remove the index.php from the URL using .htaccess rules.

Example That currently works (without .php extension):


The team I created the api for asked if I can create something which has the .php extension in the urls for some reason they can't use it without the extension. I am able to achieve this if I create a pure php file outside of my codeigniter project directory, however I would like to use codeigniter framework to keep everything consistent. Basically I am looking for a way to have the URL be accessed via

Looking for:


How can I achieve this? Is there some kind of configuration that would allow both methods to work? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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  • douning5041 2015-05-27 22:01

    Took me like 10 seconds to find this on Google:


    Adding a URL Suffix

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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