dpwdsmbvm496180204 2015-11-19 04:10
浏览 62


So I want to use a basic header redirect to bring a variable from one page to another. This seems really basic, but everywhere I look people are asking about more complex situations and it makes it harder to grasp. Basically, I have a variable $user = "root" and I simply want to pass this to another page using Header("Location: query.php".$user);

First of all, I want to make sure that this redirect will send my variable correctly.

Second, how exactly will I retrieve it on the other side. Generally if I were using a submit button posting to a form, I would use something as this $user = ($_POST["user"]);. Would I retrieve the parameter in a similar fashion in this case?

Thanks for your help!

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  • dongwende1984 2015-11-19 04:16

    For send variable

    $user = 'test';
    Header("Location: query.php?user=".$user);

    For receive the value of user vaiable

    $user = $_REQUEST['user'];

    I hope it will help to resolve your problem.

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