duansha7453 2011-04-06 16:42
浏览 64

在php中使用Ruby sha512密码检索

(Updated due to some confusion over my question) We use this method to generate a digested_password, which is saved to our database for later lookup. When we authenticate a user to our application, this method is again ran against their input and if the digested_password output matches the digested_password we saved in the database we authenticate them. I need to reproduce this function in PHP for another application that shares the database.

def self.hash_password( password, salt )
  salted_password = password.insert 4, salt
  digested_password = Digest::SHA512.hexdigest("#{salted_password}")
  return digested_password

I really have no experience with Ruby so please forgive my lack of understanding.


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  • duanpiangeng8958 2011-04-06 16:55

    Because you can't "retrieve" a password from a one-way hash like SHA-512, the closest we can get is being able to generate the same hash from the same password and salt. Let's look at the Ruby code:

    def self.hash_password( password, salt )
      salted_password = password.insert 4, salt
      digested_password = Digest::SHA512.hexdigest("#{salted_password}")
      return digested_password

    The only thing a bit "weird" here is the call to the .insert method on the password string. It's basically splicing the salt right into the password, starting at the fourth character index. Normally salts are simply concatenated with the password.

    We can replicate this using substr:

    function hash_password($password, $salt) {
        $salted_password = substr($password, 0, 4) . $salt . substr($password, 4);
        return hash('sha512', $salted_password);

    I'm using the now-default hash extension here, as it's pretty much the most reliable way to generate a SHA-512 hash.

    Using this code, you should be able to generate identical hashes for a given identical password and salt combination. I'm not sure what the behavior would be when the password is less than five characters long.

    Yup, looks like it should work:

    [charles@lobotomy ~]$ irb
    irb(main):001:0> require 'digest/sha2'
    => true
    irb(main):002:0> def hash_password( password, salt )
    irb(main):003:1>   salted_password = password.insert 4, salt
    irb(main):004:1>   digested_password = Digest::SHA512.hexdigest("#{salted_password}")
    irb(main):005:1>   return digested_password
    irb(main):006:1> end
    => nil
    irb(main):007:0* puts hash_password('password', 'salt')
    => nil
    irb(main):018:0> exit
    [charles@lobotomy ~]$ 
    [charles@lobotomy ~]$ php -a
    Interactive shell
    php > function hash_password($password, $salt) {
    php {     $salted_password = substr($password, 0, 4) . $salt . substr($password, 4);
    php {     return hash('sha512', $salted_password);
    php { }
    php > echo hash_password('password', 'salt');
    php >
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