When I want to delete more than 1 product one by one from AJAX Cart , for 1st product its working fine but when I try to delete the another product the page it redirect to delete page URL like
and showing some json or html data like {"message":"Item was removed.","update_blocks":[{"key":".header .links","value":"<div class=\"links\"> ....
Delete Item From Shopping cart function deleteAction()
public function deleteAction() {
$id = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
if ($id) {
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$_response = Mage::getModel('ajaxcart/response');
$_response->setMessage($this->__('Cannot remove the item.'));
$_response = Mage::getModel('ajaxcart/response');
$_response->setMessage($this->__('Item was removed.'));
//append updated blocks
I will highly appreciate if i can get some help. Thanks in advance.