小绵羊羊 2023-04-27 10:12 采纳率: 0%
浏览 29



Hibernate: select datalayout0_.id as id1_3_, datalayout0_.is_show as is_show2_3_, datalayout0_.member_id as member_i3_3_, datalayout0_.name as name4_3_, datalayout0_.role_id as role_id5_3_, datalayout0_.sort as sort6_3_, datalayout0_.user_id as user_id7_3_ from public.rep_data_layout datalayout0_ where datalayout0_.member_id=? and datalayout0_.role_id=? and datalayout0_.user_id=?
Hibernate: select purchaseda0_.member_id as col_0_0_, purchaseda0_.role_id as col_1_0_, sum(purchaseda0_.num) as col_2_0_, sum(purchaseda0_.amount) as col_3_0_, sum(purchaseda0_.inquiry_num) as col_4_0_, sum(purchaseda0_.invite_tender_num) as col_5_0_, sum(purchaseda0_.bidding_num) as col_6_0_ from public.rep_purchase_day_report purchaseda0_ where purchaseda0_.member_id=? and purchaseda0_.role_id=? group by purchaseda0_.member_id , purchaseda0_.role_id
2023-04-25 13:54:34.081 [31mWARN [0;39m [32m[http-nio-8080-exec-3][0;39m com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.ProxyConnection --- ReportHikariPool - Connection org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection@4988e2c8 marked as broken because of SQLSTATE(08006), ErrorCode(0)
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: An I/O error occurred while sending to the backend.
    at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(QueryExecutorImpl.java:350)
2023-04-25 06:53:46.832 UTC [29988] LOG:  starting logical decoding for slot "order_analysis_category_jinfa"
2023-04-25 06:53:46.832 UTC [29988] DETAIL:  Streaming transactions committing after 3/502C5278, reading WAL from 3/502C5278.
2023-04-25 06:53:46.832 UTC [29988] STATEMENT:  START_REPLICATION SLOT order_analysis_category_jinfa LOGICAL 3/7EC28110 ("proto_version" '1', "publication_names" 'dbz_publication')
2023-04-25 06:53:46.834 UTC [29988] LOG:  logical decoding found consistent point at 3/502C5278
2023-04-25 06:53:46.834 UTC [29988] DETAIL:  There are no running transactions.
2023-04-25 06:53:46.834 UTC [29988] STATEMENT:  START_REPLICATION SLOT order_analysis_category_jinfa LOGICAL 3/7EC28110 ("proto_version" '1', "publication_names" 'dbz_publication')
2023-04-25 07:03:21.847 UTC [30011] ERROR:  replication slot "order_analysis_category_jinfa" is active for PID 29988
2023-04-25 07:03:21.847 UTC [30011] STATEMENT:  START_REPLICATION SLOT order_analysis_category_jinfa LOGICAL 3/7EC28110 ("proto_version" '1', "publication_names" 'dbz_publication')
2023-04-25 07:03:21.847 UTC [30011] ERROR:  replication slot "order_analysis_category_jinfa" is active for PID 29988
  • 写回答

2条回答 默认 最新

  • 丘山水每十甫寸 2023-04-27 10:55

    PostgreSQL 中的一个复制槽已经被某个进程(PID 为 29988)所占用,无法删除或重新创建,
    SELECT * FROM pg_replication_slots;
    找到 PID 为 29988 的进程,并停止该进程。

    SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('order_analysis_category_jinfa');
    这将删除名为 "order_analysis_category_jinfa" 的复制槽。这可能会导致数据丢失,谨慎使用。




  • 创建了问题 4月27日


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