This is my problem: I am trying to use XSLTProcessor to transform xml to html. I have already read about its use, but I have the following problem - the transformToXML(xml_file) function requires the xml_file to be an actual xml file. Is it possible for the transformToXML function to use a string instead of a file? I have tried searching this online but all I get is stuff I have already seen with the use of an xml file. Since I need to use this transformation on a big scale (a big number of different transformations for a lot of users) I can't use a file on the server. Here's my code so maybe you can get a better picture:
- $productxml= GetShoppingItem($params);
- $file = 'ProductQr.xml';
- file_put_contents($file, $productxml);
- $xml = new DOMDocument();
- $xml->load('ProductQr.xml');
- $XSL = new DOMDocument();
- $XSL->load('XSLTForProduct.xsl');
- $xslt = new XSLTProcessor();
- $xslt->importStylesheet($XSL);
- $html = $xslt->transformToXML( $xml );
- return $html;
As you can see, here I am getting the $productxml string and writing it into ProductQr.xml so I can later use it here: transformToXML($xml). But there will be a lot of transformations and I can't use one xml file since there are a lot of different products. Ideally I would use:
$html = $xslt->transformToXML($productxml);
without writing into the xml file, but the transformToXML needs a file and not a string. Any thoughts?