Attempting to move an uploaded file so that it is saved in the directory, it fails. I use echo ($_FILES['company_logo'] ['error']);
to get the error number. The only place I could find with error numbers for this was . However, their list only goes up to 4 and I am getting the error number 6. Does anyone know what this error stands for? Here is my code:
$allowed_filetypes = array('.jpg','.jpeg','.gif','.bmp','.png'); // These will be the types of file that will pass the validation.
$max_filesize = 524288; // Maximum filesize in BYTES (currently 0.5MB).
$upload_path = '../images/companies/'; // The place the files will be uploaded to (currently a 'files' directory).
if($_FILES['company_logo']['name'] != "") {
if($row['image'] != ''){
$filename = $_FILES['company_logo']['name']; // Get the name of the file (including file extension).
$ext = substr($filename, strpos($filename,'.'), strlen($filename)-1); // Get the extension from the filename.
$ext = strtolower($ext);
// Check if the filetype is allowed, if not DIE and inform the user.
die('The file you attempted to upload is not allowed.');
// Now check the filesize, if it is too large then DIE and inform the user.
if(filesize($_FILES['company_logo']['tmp_name']) > $max_filesize)
die('The file you attempted to upload is too large.');
// Check if we can upload to the specified path, if not DIE and inform the user.
die('You cannot upload to the specified directory, please CHMOD it to 777.');
// Upload the file to your specified path.
$ran = rand();
$filename = $ran.$ext;
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['company_logo']['tmp_name'],$upload_path.$filename)){ // This is where it fails
$file = $upload_path.$filename;
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE Companies SET image = 'images/companies/$filename' WHERE id = '$id';");
$_SESSION['message'] .= "<p class='copy' style='color:red;'>Your image upload was successful.</p>"; // It worked.
$_SESSION['message'] .= "<p class='copy' style='color:red;'>Unable to upload image(s).</p>";
$_SESSION['message'] .= "<p class='copy' style='color:red;'>Unable to upload image(s).</p>";
echo ($_FILES['company_logo'] ['error']);
As you can see, I do check for an actual file being uploaded, if the file extension is in a list of file types allowed, if the file exceeds the max file size, and whether the path is even writable. So I don't believe it is any of those things, but I'm not certain. Any help would be appreciated.