dongyu3659 2017-02-22 09:59
浏览 39

PHP会话 - 几个问题

I am using PHP sessions to store tracking data across my pages for my site. The session is started with session_start();

By the way - this is not a login script. I am tracking the first page the user entered on, the date/time and a few other variables.

I store the information in a database, and finally redirect the user to a page using:

header("Location: ".$URLHERE);

A few questions about using sessions:

  1. As I am not explicity closing the session after the redirect, does PHP delete session variables from disk - or do I have to handle this myself?

(I am concerned about datafiles building up on my Apache server)

  1. Are there any security issues with PHP sessions? This isn't a login, but my scripts do rely on session variables to track information about that unqiue visit.

Thanks :)

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  • doupeng5320 2017-02-22 10:12
    1. No, the session garbage collection is managed by the system, based on the session.gc_maxlifetime property of php.ini. As your PHP script is run on a per-request basis, calling session_destroy() would involve the lost of data you got about the user at the end of each request.

    2. No security problem with php sessions, only risk is the cookie being stolen by an attacker, but you can avoid that requiring https.

    Note that you can also do this without the session, but using the cookie API.

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