DROP TABLE IF exists 和 CREATE table 一起会报错 但是单独执行就不会
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gui_ji_2023_07_12_09_28_28`;
CREATE TABLE `gui_ji_2023_07_12_09_28_28` (
`YEAR_1_14` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL ,
`YXBM_1_15` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL ,
SQL 错误 [1064] [42000]: (conn=57842) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE TABLE `gui_ji_2023_07_12_09_28_28` (
`YEAR_1_14` varchar(255) DEFAU...' at line 3
文档:DROP TABLE IF exists 和 CREATE table