katemaomao 2023-07-30 18:31 采纳率: 50%
浏览 51

SQL 报错 在应使用条件的上下文(在 ',' 附近)中指定了非布尔类型的表达式

select a.MonthCode,b.STDskucode,a.skucode,c.sku_cn,
case when a,Channel='Omni KC' and a.SubChannel='NCA' then 'NCA' when a.Channel='Omni KC' and a.SubChannel<>'NCA' then 'NKC' else a.Channel end as DPChannel,
sum(a.GSV)/1000 as GSV,
0 as NIV
from DP_Forecast as a
inner join MD_STDSKU as b on b.stdskucode=a.stdskucode 
inner join md_sku  as c on a.skucode=c.skucode
group by select a.MonthCode,b.STDskucode,a.skucode,c.sku_cn, 
case when a,Channel='Omni KC' and a.SubChannel='NCA' then 'NCA' when a.Channel='Omni KC' and a.SubChannel<>'NCA' then 'NKC' else a.Channel end 
union all
select d.MonthCode,b.STDskucode,d.skucode,c.sku_cn,
case when d.DivisionDesc='Omni KC' and d.RegionDesc='NCA' then 'NCA' when d.DivisionDesc='Omni KC' and d.RegionDesc<>'NCA' then 'NKC' else d.DivisionDesc end  as DPChannel ,
sum(d.GSV)/1000 as GSV,
sum(d.NIV)/1000 as NIV
from DW_PrimarySales as d
inner join MD_STDSKU as b on b.stdskucode=d.stdskucode
inner join md_sku as c on d.skucode=c.skucode
where d.MonthCode between '2023_M01' and '2023_M06'
group by d.MonthCode,b.STDskucode,d.skucode,c.sku_cn,
case when d.DivisionDesc='Omni KC' and d.RegionDesc='NCA' then 'NCA' when d.DivisionDesc='Omni KC' and d.RegionDesc<>'NCA' then 'NKC' else d.DivisionDesc end 


消息 4145,级别 15,状态 1,第 18 行
在应使用条件的上下文(在 ',' 附近)中指定了非布尔类型的表达式。
消息 4145,级别 15,状态 1,第 27 行
在应使用条件的上下文(在 ',' 附近)中指定了非布尔类型的表达式。

完成时间: 2023-07-30T18:13:56.2767725+08:00



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  • threenewbee 2023-07-30 18:37


    SELECT a.MonthCode, b.STDskucode, a.skucode, c.sku_cn,
            WHEN a.Channel = 'Omni KC' AND a.SubChannel = 'NCA' THEN 'NCA'
            WHEN a.Channel = 'Omni KC' AND a.SubChannel <> 'NCA' THEN 'NKC'
            ELSE a.Channel
        END AS DPChannel,
        SUM(a.GSV)/1000 AS GSV,
        0 AS NIV
    FROM DP_Forecast AS a
    INNER JOIN MD_STDSKU AS b ON b.stdskucode = a.stdskucode 
    INNER JOIN md_sku AS c ON a.skucode = c.skucode
    GROUP BY a.MonthCode, b.STDskucode, a.skucode, c.sku_cn, 
            WHEN a.Channel = 'Omni KC' AND a.SubChannel = 'NCA' THEN 'NCA'
            WHEN a.Channel = 'Omni KC' AND a.SubChannel <> 'NCA' THEN 'NKC'
            ELSE a.Channel
    SELECT d.MonthCode, b.STDskucode, d.skucode, c.sku_cn,
            WHEN d.DivisionDesc = 'Omni KC' AND d.RegionDesc = 'NCA' THEN 'NCA'
            WHEN d.DivisionDesc = 'Omni KC' AND d.RegionDesc <> 'NCA' THEN 'NKC'
            ELSE d.DivisionDesc
        END AS DPChannel,
        SUM(d.GSV)/1000 AS GSV,
        SUM(d.NIV)/1000 AS NIV
    FROM DW_PrimarySales AS d
    INNER JOIN MD_STDSKU AS b ON b.stdskucode = d.stdskucode
    INNER JOIN md_sku AS c ON d.skucode = c.skucode
    WHERE d.MonthCode BETWEEN '2023_M01' AND '2023_M06'
    GROUP BY d.MonthCode, b.STDskucode, d.skucode, c.sku_cn,
            WHEN d.DivisionDesc = 'Omni KC' AND d.RegionDesc = 'NCA' THEN 'NCA'
            WHEN d.DivisionDesc = 'Omni KC' AND d.RegionDesc <> 'NCA' THEN 'NKC'
            ELSE d.DivisionDesc
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



  • 系统已结题 8月7日
  • 已采纳回答 7月30日
  • 创建了问题 7月30日


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