洗了shuan了 2023-08-10 12:16 采纳率: 0%
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matlab web app server默认注册时卷标语法错误


在启动matlab web app server 使用默认注册时出现了卷标语法错误 ,路径和文件名感觉都没有错,环境变量也配置好了,


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- please keep alphabetized -->
    <!-- Allow HTML content generated by this server to be embedded as an IFRAME on the following sites. See frame-ancestors HTTP header for more info. 
         Should look like "*.acme.com:* dev.local:*" . Empty string means default value, which allows current host only.  -->
    <!-- autodeploy folder location, default is <UserStorageRoot>/apps -->
    <!-- Settings for running code in containers (Linux only) -->
    <!-- Containers.DockerPath - location of docker executable --> 
    <!-- Containers.UseForWorkers - whether to run workers in containers or regular process --> 
    <!-- Containers.WorkerImage - name of docker image that will be used to run workers. Runtime will be mapped to it --> 
    <!-- Containers.WorkerExtraParams - additional command line to pass to docker for running worker. May contain things like CPU limits, network bindings, etc --> 
    <Containers DockerPath="" UseForWorkers="0" WorkerImage="" WorkerExtraParams="" />
    <!-- Number of ms to wait for orderly shutdown function to run -->
    <!-- Where factory configuration for this product is stored. Default is <WebAppsExePath>/resources/spfres -->
    <!-- Logs.Path - Location for logs, default is <UserStorageRoot>/logs -->
    <!-- Logs.MaxLogSizeMB - Maximum size of individual log, before it will roll over into another file -->
    <!-- Logs.MaxTotalSizeMB - Maximum size of all logs in a directory. Logs over this size will get lost -->
    <!-- Logs.Level - one of verbose, normal, minimal -->
    <Logs Path="" MaxLogSizeMB="10" MaxTotalSizeMB="50" Level="normal" />
    <!-- Allows having multiple instances with the same version number running on different ports -->
    <!-- If empty or "auto", 1 per GB of RAM -->
    <!-- Time to wait before new session start failure will be issued -->
    <!-- only one runtime allowed in basic version -->
    <!-- If Runtime.Path is not set, assume runtime is where webapps executable resides <WebAppsExePath> -->
    <!-- If Runtime.MaxPrewarmedWorkers is not set, assume 1/3 of MaxWorkers -->
        <Runtime Path="" MaxPrewarmedWorkers="" />
    <!-- HTTPS: Contains the path to the private key file used for encryption. Can be empty if no private key 
         file is used. -->
    <!-- HTTPS: Contains the path to the certificate file (in PEM format). If the private key and the 
         certificate are stored in the same file, this can be empty if privateKeyFile is given. -->
    <!-- The port for the HTTP/HTTPS traffic used by server -->
    <!-- Session timeout, in min. If session stops communicating to server after this period it will get terminated -->
    <!-- Installation-related settings -->
    <Setup ServerAccount="" 
    <!-- Start in SSL mode. Default is OFF. Set to 1 to turn ON -->
    <!-- Sessions to communicate over web sockets protocol (faster). Default is ON.  OFF means more compatibility. Set to 1 to turn ON -->
    <!-- UserStorageRoot == where user configuration info is stored (platform-specific location of local application data that is writeable to current user) 
    On Windows, it is %LOCALAPPDATA%\MathWorks\webapps\<serverVersion> -->


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Allows having multiple instances with the same version number running on different ports -->
    <!-- Logs.Path - Location for logs, default is <UserStorageRoot>/logs -->
    <!-- Logs.MaxLogSizeMB - Maximum size of individual log, before it will roll over into another file -->
    <!-- Logs.MaxTotalSizeMB - Maximum size of all logs in a directory. Logs over this size will get lost -->
    <!-- Logs.Level - one of verbose, normal, minimal -->
    <Logs Path="" MaxLogSizeMB="10" MaxTotalSizeMB="50" Level="normal" />
    <!-- UserStorageRoot == where user configuration info is stored (platform-specific location of local application data that is writeable to current user) 
    On Windows, it is %LOCALAPPDATA%\MathWorks\webapps\<serverVersion> -->


  • 写回答

4条回答 默认 最新

  • Leodong. 2023-08-10 14:07

    1、你先检查下webapps_launcher.config这个文件是否在D:\Program Files\MatlabRuntimelv912\binlwin64目录下。





  • 系统已结题 8月18日
  • 创建了问题 8月10日


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