The method I am trying to test has a try catch like
try {
$fooClass->doStuff(); // Throws \Lib\Custom\Exception
catch (\Lib\Custom\Exception $exception) {
return false;
I want to test if the return is false, but the custom exception is not loaded when my tests are executed.
Php unit has the option of mocking classes, but I can't seem to use this for Exceptions.
$exceptionMock= $this->getMockBuilder(\Lib\Custom\Exception::class)->getMock();
$fooClassMock = $this->getMockBuilder(fooClass::class)->getMock()
Gives me the folowing exception:
Argument 1 passed to
must be an instance of Exception, instance of Mock_Exception_c4dd9394 given
How to properly mock this Exception to test the function?