Try to get each store open and close condition, if in operation time echo open, if not echo close.
for example: monday-friday: 11:00 am - 2:00 am (which open to midnight)
here is my code
$currentTime = strtotime("01:14 pm"); $rangeStart = strtotime("11:00am"); $rangeEnd = strtotime("tomorrow 02:00 am");
if ($currentTime >= $rangeStart && $currentTime <= $rangeEnd) {
echo 'in range';
} else {
echo 'not in range';
this working good, because current time is 01:14 pm afternoon.
so i try to set the current time to 01:14 am midnight, here is the problem.
which will echo not in range, because $currentTime is less than $rangeStart.
this problem alrady bother me for 2 days.....any help please, thanks