YKe. 2023-10-18 20:58 采纳率: 0%
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图像拼接SPW中的显著项 matlab

function [ sparse_line ] = energyLineSegment( img, lines, slope_lines, init_H, C1, C2 )
% given detected line segments, calculate a sparse matrix to preserving
% line struture in image
num_V = (C1+1)*(C2+1);  % number of control vertices

X_col = linspace(1,size(img,2),C2+1); % column index of cells
Y_row = linspace(1,size(img,1),C1+1); % row index of cells
x_dis = X_col(2)-X_col(1);  % the width of scale-cell
y_dis = Y_row(2)-Y_row(1);  % the height of scale-cell

Mesh_ps = zeros(4,2); Mesh_pe = zeros(4,2);
% the three indices the sparse function needs
row_sp = sum(lines(1:2:end-1,end)-1);
sp_i = zeros(16*row_sp,1); % row index
sp_j = zeros(16*row_sp,1); % column index
sp_s = zeros(16*row_sp,1); % value index
% rotated vertical line equidistant-preserving
for i=1:2:size(lines,1)-1
    num_s = lines(i,end);  % number of sample points in this segment
    k_xy = calcSlope(init_H, slope_lines(i), [lines(i,1); lines(i+1,1)]); % line's slope after transformation
    if isinf(abs(k_xy));  nor_vec=[1,0]; else; nor_vec = [k_xy, -1];  end
    nor_vec = nor_vec./norm(nor_vec);  % normal vector of warped lines
    for j=1:num_s-1
        lps = [lines(i,j),     lines(i+1,j)];
        lpe = [lines(i,j+1),   lines(i+1,j+1)];
        pxs = min( find(lps(1)-X_col<x_dis & lps(1)-X_col>=0, 1), C2); % the x index of p's position
        pys = min( find(lps(2)-Y_row<y_dis & lps(2)-Y_row>=0, 1), C1); % the y index of p's position
        pxe = min( find(lpe(1)-X_col<x_dis & lpe(1)-X_col>=0, 1), C2); % the x index of p's position
        pye = min( find(lpe(2)-Y_row<y_dis & lpe(2)-Y_row>=0, 1), C1); % the y index of p's position
        nums1 = (C1+1)*(pxs-1) + pys; % index of v1*   
        nums2 = nums1 + C1+1;
        nums3 = nums2 + 1;
        nums4 = nums1 + 1;
        nume1 = (C1+1)*(pxe-1) + pye;
        nume2 = nume1 + C1+1;
        nume3 = nume2 + 1;
        nume4 = nume1 + 1;
        Mesh_ps(1:4,:) = [X_col(pxs), Y_row(pys);     % v1
                            X_col(pxs+1), Y_row(pys);   % v2
                            X_col(pxs+1), Y_row(pys+1); % v3
                            X_col(pxs), Y_row(pys+1)];   % v4
        Mesh_pe(1:4,:) = [X_col(pxe), Y_row(pye);     % v1
                            X_col(pxe+1), Y_row(pye);   % v2
                            X_col(pxe+1), Y_row(pye+1); % v3
                            X_col(pxe), Y_row(pye+1)];   % v4
        coeff_mesh_ps = meshGridAlign(Mesh_ps, lps);
        coeff_mesh_pe = meshGridAlign(Mesh_pe, lpe);
        sp_i(16*k-15:16*k) = k.*ones(1,16);
        sp_j(16*k-15:16*k) = [2*nums1-1, 2*nums2-1, 2*nums3-1, 2*nums4-1,...
                              2*nume1-1, 2*nume2-1, 2*nume3-1, 2*nume4-1,...
                              2*nums1, 2*nums2, 2*nums3, 2*nums4,...
                              2*nume1, 2*nume2, 2*nume3, 2*nume4];
        sp_s(16*k-15:16*k) = [-nor_vec(1).*coeff_mesh_ps; nor_vec(1).*coeff_mesh_pe; 
                              -nor_vec(2).*coeff_mesh_ps; nor_vec(2).*coeff_mesh_pe];
        k = k + 1;

sparse_line = sparse(sp_i, sp_j, sp_s, row_sp, 2*num_V);


这里sp_j的元素为什么都是2*numsi ,其他数字不行吗?


  • 写回答

1条回答 默认 最新

  • CSDN-Ada助手 CSDN-AI 官方账号 2023-10-19 14:02

    【以下回答由 GPT 生成】


    1. 尝试对代码进行逻辑结构调整,使其更易读和理解。在代码中,可以使用注释来说明变量和每段代码的功能。

    2. 将代码分解为更小的函数或块,以提高代码的可读性和可维护性。

    3. 考虑对代码进行向量化操作,以提高运行效率。Matlab是一个强大的向量化编程语言,可以利用这一特性来减少循环和提高代码的性能。


    function [sparse_line] = energyLineSegment(img, lines, slope_lines, init_H, C1, C2)
    % given detected line segments, calculate a sparse matrix to preserving
    % line structure in the image
    % calculate control vertex indices
    num_V = (C1+1)*(C2+1);
    % calculate column and row indices of cells
    X_col = linspace(1,size(img,2),C2+1);
    Y_row = linspace(1,size(img,1),C1+1);
    x_dis = X_col(2)-X_col(1); % the width of scale-cell
    y_dis = Y_row(2)-Y_row(1); % the height of scale-cell
    % initialize variables
    Mesh_ps = zeros(4,2);
    Mesh_pe = zeros(4,2);
    row_sp = sum(lines(1:2:end-1,end)-1);
    sp_i = zeros(16*row_sp,1);
    sp_j = zeros(16*row_sp,1);
    sp_s = zeros(16*row_sp,1);
    % rotated vertical line equidistant-preserving
    for i=1:2:size(lines,1)-1
        num_s = lines(i,end);
        k_xy = calcSlope(init_H, slope_lines(i), [lines(i,1); lines(i+1,1)]);
        nor_vec = getNormalVector(k_xy);
        Mesh_ps(1,:) = [X_col(lines(i,1)),Y_row(lines(i,2))];
        Mesh_ps(2,:) = [X_col(lines(i,1)),Y_row(lines(i+1,2))];
        Mesh_ps(3,:) = [X_col(lines(i+1,1)),Y_row(lines(i,2))];
        Mesh_ps(4,:) = [X_col(lines(i+1,1)),Y_row(lines(i+1,2))];
        Mesh_pe(1,:) = [X_col(lines(i,1))+x_dis*abs(nor_vec(2))/2, Y_row(lines(i,2))-y_dis*abs(nor_vec(1))/2];
        Mesh_pe(2,:) = [X_col(lines(i,1))+x_dis*abs(nor_vec(2))/2, Y_row(lines(i+1,2))+y_dis*abs(nor_vec(1))/2];
        Mesh_pe(3,:) = [X_col(lines(i+1,1))-x_dis*abs(nor_vec(2))/2, Y_row(lines(i,2))-y_dis*abs(nor_vec(1))/2];
        Mesh_pe(4,:) = [X_col(lines(i+1,1))-x_dis*abs(nor_vec(2))/2, Y_row(lines(i+1,2))+y_dis*abs(nor_vec(1))/2];
        for j=1:4
            for kk=0:x_dis/num_s:x_dis
                Point_t = Mesh_ps(j,:)+(Mesh_pe(j,:)-Mesh_ps(j,:))*kk/x_dis;
                Point_t_coord = getPointCoordinates(Point_t, X_col(1), Y_row(1), x_dis, y_dis);
                if isPointOutOfBound(Point_t_coord, C1, C2)
                sp_i(k) = (Point_t_coord(1)-1)*(C2+1)+Point_t_coord(2);
                sp_j(k) = (i+1)/2;
                sp_s(k) = 1;
                k = k + 1;
    % remaining vertical lines
    for i=2:2:size(lines,1)
        num_s = lines(i,end);
        k_xy = calcSlope(init_H, slope_lines(i-1), [lines(i-1,1); lines(i,1)]);
        nor_vec = getNormalVector(k_xy);
        Mesh_ps(1,:) = [X_col(lines(i-1,1)),Y_row(lines(i-1,2))];
        Mesh_ps(2,:) = [X_col(lines(i-1,1)),Y_row(lines(i,2))];
        Mesh_ps(3,:) = [X_col(lines(i,1)),Y_row(lines(i-1,2))];
        Mesh_ps(4,:) = [X_col(lines(i,1)),Y_row(lines(i,2))];
        Mesh_pe(1,:) = [X_col(lines(i-1,1))+x_dis*abs(nor_vec(2))/2, Y_row(lines(i-1,2))-y_dis*abs(nor_vec(1))/2];
        Mesh_pe(2,:) = [X_col(lines(i-1,1))+x_dis*abs(nor_vec(2))/2, Y_row(lines(i,2))+y_dis*abs(nor_vec(1))/2];
        Mesh_pe(3,:) = [X_col(lines(i,1))-x_dis*abs(nor_vec(2))/2, Y_row(lines(i-1,2))-y_dis*abs(nor_vec(1))/2];
        Mesh_pe(4,:) = [X_col(lines(i,1))-x_dis*abs(nor_vec(2))/2, Y_row(lines(i,2))+y_dis*abs(nor_vec(1))/2];
        for j=1:4
            for kk=0:y_dis/num_s:y_dis
                Point_t = Mesh_ps(j,:)+(Mesh_pe(j,:)-Mesh_ps(j,:))*kk/y_dis;
                Point_t_coord = getPointCoordinates(Point_t, X_col(1), Y_row(1), x_dis, y_dis);
                if isPointOutOfBound(Point_t_coord, C1, C2)
                sp_i(k) = (Point_t_coord(1)-1)*(C2+1)+Point_t_coord(2);
                sp_j(k) = (i)/2;
                sp_s(k) = 1;
                k = k + 1;
    % create sparse matrix
    sparse_line = sparse(sp_i(1:k-1), sp_j(1:k-1), sp_s(1:k-1), num_V, size(lines,1)/2);
    % slope calculation function
    function k_xy = calcSlope(H, slope, lines)
        % your implementation here
    % normal vector calculation function
    function nor_vec = getNormalVector(k_xy)
        % your implementation here
    % point coordinate calculation function
    function Point_t_coord = getPointCoordinates(Point_t, X_start, Y_start, x_dis, y_dis)
        % your implementation here
    % check if point is out of bound
    function isOutOfBound = isPointOutOfBound(Point_t_coord, C1, C2)
        % your implementation here




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  • 创建了问题 10月18日


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