Below is my recordSigfox.php file. For now I am testing it from the addess bar: http://...server.../recordSigfox.php?data=e049d3c02b7f5542
Tested separately and working: -The first part connects to mongoDB and creates a testData collection. -The second part decodes the hex message into its original components, a latitude and a longitude. I WANT TO RECORD THESE in testData. -The third part just lists the contents of testData.
Apparent issue code:
$document = array(
"Latitude" => $lt,
"Longitude" => $lg,
Full code:
//connect to DB
$user = "muntean";
require '/var/composer/vendor/autoload.php';
$manager = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");
echo "Connection to database successfully";
$collection = new MongoDB\Collection($manager, $user, 'testData');
//get data from the address bar: e049d3c02b7f5542
$_data = $_GET["data"];
$coord = unpack('flat/flon', pack('H*', $_data));
$lt = $coord['lat'];
$lg = $coord['lon'];
//echo lt shows: -6.6027679443359
//echo lg shows: 53.374187469482
$document = array(
"Latitude" => $lt,
"Longitude" => $lg,
//shows contect of testData when not empty
$filter = [];
$options = [];
$query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query($filter, $options);
$cursor = $manager->executeQuery("$user.testData", $query);
print("The contents of the collection $user.testData are:");