douhuang5331 2018-09-16 03:30
浏览 84


Insertion is happening when html table row is empty.if any of the input field has value allow to insert otherwise dont insert blank row to database.Where i need to change my code?MY datas are inserting if table row of datas are null

php code

    for ($count = 0; $count < count($itemname); $count++) {
        $itemname_clean  = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $itemname[$count]);
        $unit_clean      = (int) $unit[$count];
        $quantity_clean  = (int) $quantity[$count];
        $rate_clean      = $rate[$count];
        $totamount_clean = $totamount[$count];
        $checkvat_clean  = $checkvat[$count];
        if ($itemname_clean != '' || $unit_clean != '' || $quantity_clean != '' || $rate_clean != '' || $totamount_clean != '') {
            $query .= '
   //insert query goes here
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  • dongzan2740 2018-09-16 17:49

    So you want to check if any one of the variables has a value, then insert. But if all of the variables are empty, don't insert.

    You have a mistake in your if statement. You are checking $totamount which is an array so it is not empty, so the if statement always resulted in true. But inside, you are inserting $totamount_clean to the database which might be empty.

    So change $totamount to $totamount_clean in your if statement.

    if (!empty($itemname_clean) || !empty($unit_clean) || !empty($quantity_clean) || !empty($rate_clean) || !empty($totamount_clean)) {
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