I'm currently struggling with a regular expression to match all bible quotes in body text so I can convert them into links. I was hoping someone could please help out with this issue as I'm new to regex. So far I am using this:
/([^(])\w+ +\d+:+[\d+[?\-]+([^)])/
Some example text looks like this:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sea persius nonumes habemus cu. Eam ferri dicta ex, sit no torquatos reprimique. Ea tota democritum has, mel libris audiam voluptaria cu. Ex usu facer voluptatibus, nam ut commune democritum. Ea nonumes (1 John 3:1) recteque sapientem eum. Cum soleat mandamus te, (Matthew 6:6) eos affert volutpat et.
Quo ei iracundia consectetuer. Vim salutatus abhorreant at, quo ea postea equidem intellegam. Duo dicit cotidieque id, debitis noluisse fabellas sit eu. Qui ne integre patrioque, minimum inciderint eos ex, aliquando (Deuteronomy 10:18; Psalm 10:14) tincidunt intellegat est at. Sumo assum et nec, usu graecis adversarium te, cu mea quis lorem. In qui utroque propriae, ex mandamus argumentum vis, pro vidisse ceteros atomorum ex. Et mentitum referrentur
My regex is individually matching most of the quotes in my pages so far, including the example text but(1 John 3:1) and (Matthew 6:6) don't work. The regex needs to match an opening brace and omit it from the resulting string then match an optional number with a space and or a word (book name) followed by a space and a number (chapter) followed by a colon (:) then a number with an optional dash (-) and another number (verses), followed by an optional semicolon (;) if there are multiple references, followed by a closing brace (omit this from the resulting match). What do I update in order to match my desire criteria?
Example code:
$body = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sea persius nonumes habemus cu. Eam ferri dicta ex, sit no torquatos reprimique. Ea tota democritum has, mel libris audiam voluptaria cu. Ex usu facer voluptatibus, nam ut commune democritum. Ea nonumes (1 John 3:1) recteque sapientem eum. Cum soleat mandamus te, (Matthew 6:6) eos affert volutpat et.
Quo ei iracundia consectetuer. Vim salutatus abhorreant at, quo ea postea equidem intellegam. Duo dicit cotidieque id, debitis noluisse fabellas sit eu. Qui ne integre patrioque, minimum inciderint eos ex, aliquando (Deuteronomy 10:18; Psalm 10:14) tincidunt intellegat est at. Sumo assum et nec, usu graecis adversarium te, cu mea quis lorem. In qui utroque propriae, ex mandamus argumentum vis, pro vidisse ceteros atomorum ex. Et mentitum referrentur";
$template_body = preg_replace_callback(
'/([^(])\w+ +\d+:+[\d+[?\-]+([^)])/',
function ($matches) {
$replacement = '<a href="https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search='.$matches[0].';&version=NIVUK">'.$matches[0].'</a>';
return $replacement;