I have this code:
//Include simple_html_dom.php
//Get function and variable for Webpage
$Flightnumber = '**********';
$firstprelink = '*********************************';
$secondprelink = $Flightnumber;
$fulllink = $firstprelink.$secondprelink;
$html = file_get_html($fulllink, false);
$firstone = $html->find("div[id=********]");
echo $firstone;
Why doesn´t it work ? It should display the div´s of the page.
On other webpages it works and when I echo only $html
it works fine too.
I don´t understand.
It just ouputs this:
Notice: Array to string conversion in C:\xampp\htdocs\Sofort-Flug-Entschädigung\simpletest3.php on line 17 Array