I am trying to create an email template from existing html page where I am fetching content direct from html page and sending it via email. But the problem is I am getting certain buttons that I need to remove. Below is my code:
function HtmltoPhp_url($id=null)
App::import('Vendor', 'simple_html_dom');
$html = file_get_html('https://forexsense.in/members/order_progress/'.$id);
foreach($html->find('.dtls') as $elem)
return str_get_html($elem);
Below is my code to set email content in cakephp:
'emailContent' => $this->phptopdf_url($order['ForexOrder']['id'])
I am getting below output from below link: https://forexsense.in/members/order_progress/17 I want to remove Buttons from here in email content. Please assist!