I'm using YII 1.1.12. When I do:
yiic migrate
inside the protected folder of my application, I get told that there is a new migration to be applied. I answer "Yes" so that the migration would be applied. After a while, I get:
*** applied m121220_121256_initialize_database (time: 6.060s)
Migrated up successfully.
All is fine up to this point. Then when I type 'yiic migrate', instead of being told that there is no new migration, I get told that:
Yii Migration Tool v1.0 (based on Yii v1.1.12)
Total 1 new migration to be applied:
Apply the above migration? (yes|no) [no]:
WhenI check the tbl_migration table, the only thing in there is the base migration. There's nothing aboutinitialize_database.
Any ideas?