Am creating an image gallery using codeigniter and javascript. Am adding pagination via the codeigniter pagination class, and striping the pagination links of the url to the controller method. I want to make use of the offsets only, but am unable to prevent the links from from performing their default actions
Here my controller method
function gallery($offset= 0)
$limit = 12;
$user_id = $this->session->userdata('user_id');
$data = $this->avatar_model->user_avatars($user_id,$limit,$offset);
$avatars = array();
$count = $this->avatar_model->count_user_avatars($user_id);
$pages = ceil($count/$limit);
$config['base_url'] = site_url("avatar/gallery");
$config['total_rows'] = $count;
$config['per_page'] = $limit;
$config['anchor_class'] = "paging_link";
$links = $this->pagination->create_links();
foreach($data as $key => $avatar)
$dat['avatar_id'] = $avatar->avatar_id;
$dat['avatar_src'] = $avatar->avatar_small;
$dat['create_date'] = time("d-m-Y",$avatar->create_date);
$avatars[] = $dat;
$server_response['avatar_count'] = $count;
$server_response['avatars'] = $avatars;
$server_response['links'] = str_replace(site_url("avatar/gallery")."/","",$links);
echo json_encode($server_response);
and this is the javascript function making the request
function initGallery(offset) {
if(offset === undefined)
var request_url = url+'avatar/gallery';
} else {
var request_url = url+'avatar/gallery/'+offset;
$.get(request_url,function(data) {
var dat = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
//Build gallery
$('#avatar_gallery').html('<div class="gallery_box"></div>');
$('.gallery_box').append('<div class="gallery_header">Your Avatar Gallery</div>');
$('.gallery_box').append('<div class="gallery_container"></div>');
'<div class="gallery_item">'+
'<img src="'+item.avatar_src+'" id="'+item.avatar_id+'" onclick="avatar.view_avatar("/>'+
$('.gallery_box').append('<div class="gallery_footer"></div>');
$('.gallery_footer').html('<div class="gallery_pagination"><div>');
//paging_link is class attached to the pagination links
The links still behave the default way even after i prevented them from the default behaviuor