快乐星空Maker 2024-02-17 10:28 采纳率: 23.1%
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 * EasyX Library for C++ (Ver:20220901)
 * https://easyx.cn
 * EasyX.h
 *        Provides the latest API.

#pragma once

#ifndef WINVER
#define WINVER 0x0400            // Specifies that the minimum required platform is Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0.

#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500        // Specifies that the minimum required platform is Windows 2000

#ifndef _WIN32_WINDOWS
#define _WIN32_WINDOWS 0x0410    // Specifies that the minimum required platform is Windows 98

#ifdef UNICODE
    #pragma comment(lib,"EasyXw.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib,"EasyXa.lib")

#ifndef __cplusplus
#error EasyX is only for C++

#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>

// EasyX Window Properties
#define EX_SHOWCONSOLE        1        // Maintain the console window when creating a graphics window
#define EX_NOCLOSE            2        // Disable the close button
#define EX_NOMINIMIZE        4        // Disable the minimize button
#define EX_DBLCLKS            8        // Support double-click events

// Color constant
#define    BLACK            0
#define    BLUE            0xAA0000
#define    GREEN            0x00AA00
#define    CYAN            0xAAAA00
#define    RED                0x0000AA
#define    MAGENTA            0xAA00AA
#define    BROWN            0x0055AA
#define    LIGHTGRAY        0xAAAAAA
#define    DARKGRAY        0x555555
#define    LIGHTBLUE        0xFF5555
#define    LIGHTGREEN        0x55FF55
#define    LIGHTCYAN        0xFFFF55
#define    LIGHTRED        0x5555FF
#define    LIGHTMAGENTA    0xFF55FF
#define    YELLOW            0x55FFFF
#define    WHITE            0xFFFFFF

// Color conversion macro
#define BGR(color)    ( (((color) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((color) & 0xFF00FF00) | (((color) & 0xFF0000) >> 16) )

class IMAGE

// Line style class
    LINESTYLE(const LINESTYLE &style);
    LINESTYLE& operator = (const LINESTYLE &style);
    virtual ~LINESTYLE();
    DWORD    style;
    DWORD    thickness;
    DWORD    *puserstyle;
    DWORD    userstylecount;

// Fill style class
    FILLSTYLE(const FILLSTYLE &style);
    FILLSTYLE& operator = (const FILLSTYLE &style);
    virtual ~FILLSTYLE();

    int            style;                // Fill style
    long        hatch;                // Hatch pattern
    IMAGE       *ppattern;            // Fill image

class IMAGE
    int getwidth() const;            // Get the width of the image
    int getheight() const;            // Get the height of the image

    int            width, height;        // Width and height of the image
    HBITMAP        m_hBmp;
    HDC            m_hMemDC;
    float        m_data[6];
    COLORREF    m_LineColor;        // Current line color
    COLORREF    m_FillColor;        // Current fill color
    COLORREF    m_TextColor;        // Current text color
    COLORREF    m_BkColor;            // Current background color
    DWORD*        m_pBuffer;            // Memory buffer of the image

    LINESTYLE    m_LineStyle;        // Current line style
    FILLSTYLE    m_FillStyle;        // Current fill style

    virtual void SetDefault();        // Set the graphics environment as default

    IMAGE(int _width = 0, int _height = 0);
    IMAGE(const IMAGE &img);
    IMAGE& operator = (const IMAGE &img);
    virtual ~IMAGE();
    virtual void Resize(int _width, int _height);            // Resize image

// Image class

// Graphics window related functions

HWND initgraph(int width, int height, int flag = 0);        // Create graphics window
void closegraph();                                            // Close graphics window

// Graphics environment related functions

void cleardevice();                                            // Clear device
void setcliprgn(HRGN hrgn);                                    // Set clip region
void clearcliprgn();                                        // Clear clip region

void getlinestyle(LINESTYLE* pstyle);                        // Get line style
void setlinestyle(const LINESTYLE* pstyle);                    // Set line style
void setlinestyle(int style, int thickness = 1, const DWORD *puserstyle = NULL, DWORD userstylecount = 0);    // Set line style
void getfillstyle(FILLSTYLE* pstyle);                        // Get fill style
void setfillstyle(const FILLSTYLE* pstyle);                    // Set fill style
void setfillstyle(int style, long hatch = NULL, IMAGE* ppattern = NULL);        // Set fill style
void setfillstyle(BYTE* ppattern8x8);                        // Set fill style

void setorigin(int x, int y);                                // Set coordinate origin
void getaspectratio(float *pxasp, float *pyasp);            // Get aspect ratio
void setaspectratio(float xasp, float yasp);                // Set aspect ratio

int  getrop2();                        // Get binary raster operation mode
void setrop2(int mode);                // Set binary raster operation mode
int  getpolyfillmode();                // Get polygon fill mode
void setpolyfillmode(int mode);        // Set polygon fill mode

void graphdefaults();                // Reset the graphics environment as default

COLORREF getlinecolor();            // Get line color
void setlinecolor(COLORREF color);    // Set line color
COLORREF gettextcolor();            // Get text color
void settextcolor(COLORREF color);    // Set text color
COLORREF getfillcolor();            // Get fill color
void setfillcolor(COLORREF color);    // Set fill color
COLORREF getbkcolor();                // Get background color
void setbkcolor(COLORREF color);    // Set background color
int  getbkmode();                    // Get background mode
void setbkmode(int mode);            // Set background mode

// Color model transformation related functions
void RGBtoHSL(COLORREF rgb, float *H, float *S, float *L);
void RGBtoHSV(COLORREF rgb, float *H, float *S, float *V);
COLORREF HSLtoRGB(float H, float S, float L);
COLORREF HSVtoRGB(float H, float S, float V);

// Drawing related functions

COLORREF getpixel(int x, int y);                // Get pixel color
void putpixel(int x, int y, COLORREF color);    // Set pixel color

void line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);        // Draw a line

void rectangle       (int left, int top, int right, int bottom);    // Draw a rectangle without filling
void fillrectangle (int left, int top, int right, int bottom);    // Draw a filled rectangle with a border
void solidrectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);    // Draw a filled rectangle without a border
void clearrectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);    // Clear a rectangular region

void circle        (int x, int y, int radius);        // Draw a circle without filling
void fillcircle (int x, int y, int radius);        // Draw a filled circle with a border
void solidcircle(int x, int y, int radius);        // Draw a filled circle without a border
void clearcircle(int x, int y, int radius);        // Clear a circular region

void ellipse     (int left, int top, int right, int bottom);    // Draw an ellipse without filling
void fillellipse (int left, int top, int right, int bottom);    // Draw a filled ellipse with a border
void solidellipse(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);    // Draw a filled ellipse without a border
void clearellipse(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);    // Clear an elliptical region

void roundrect       (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int ellipsewidth, int ellipseheight);        // Draw a rounded rectangle without filling
void fillroundrect (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int ellipsewidth, int ellipseheight);        // Draw a filled rounded rectangle with a border
void solidroundrect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int ellipsewidth, int ellipseheight);        // Draw a filled rounded rectangle without a border
void clearroundrect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int ellipsewidth, int ellipseheight);        // Clear a rounded rectangular region

void arc     (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, double stangle, double endangle);    // Draw an arc
void pie     (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, double stangle, double endangle);    // Draw a sector without filling
void fillpie (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, double stangle, double endangle);    // Draw a filled sector with a border
void solidpie(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, double stangle, double endangle);    // Draw a filled sector without a border
void clearpie(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, double stangle, double endangle);    // Clear a rounded rectangular region

void polyline     (const POINT *points, int num);                                // Draw multiple consecutive lines
void polygon     (const POINT *points, int num);                                // Draw a polygon without filling
void fillpolygon (const POINT *points, int num);                                // Draw a filled polygon with a border
void solidpolygon(const POINT *points, int num);                                // Draw a filled polygon without a border
void clearpolygon(const POINT *points, int num);                                // Clear a polygon region

void polybezier(const POINT *points, int num);                                    // Draw three square Bezier curves
void floodfill(int x, int y, COLORREF color, int filltype = FLOODFILLBORDER);    // Fill the area

// Text related functions
void outtextxy(int x, int y, LPCTSTR str);                // Output a string at the specified location
void outtextxy(int x, int y, TCHAR c);                    // Output a char at the specified location
int textwidth(LPCTSTR str);                                // Get the width of a string
int textwidth(TCHAR c);                                    // Get the width of a char
int textheight(LPCTSTR str);                            // Get the height of a string
int textheight(TCHAR c);                                // Get the height of a char
int drawtext(LPCTSTR str, RECT* pRect, UINT uFormat);    // Output a string in the specified format within the specified area.
int drawtext(TCHAR c, RECT* pRect, UINT uFormat);        // Output a char in the specified format within the specified area.

// Set current text style.
//        nHeight: The height of the text
//        nWidth: The average width of the character. If 0, the scale is adaptive.
//        lpszFace: The font name
//        nEscapement: The writing angle of the string, 0.1 degrees, defaults to 0.
//        nOrientation: The writing angle of each character, 0.1 degrees, defaults to 0.
//        nWeight: The stroke weight of the character
//        bItalic: Specify whether the font is italic
//        bUnderline: Specify whether the font is underlined
//        bStrikeOut: Specify whether the font has a strikeout
//        fbCharSet: Specifies the character set
//        fbOutPrecision: Specifies the output accuracy of the text
//        fbClipPrecision: Specifies the clip accuracy of the text
//        fbQuality: Specifies the output quality of the text
//        fbPitchAndFamily: Specifies a font family that describes a font in a general way
void settextstyle(int nHeight, int nWidth, LPCTSTR lpszFace);
void settextstyle(int nHeight, int nWidth, LPCTSTR lpszFace, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, int nWeight, bool bItalic, bool bUnderline, bool bStrikeOut);
void settextstyle(int nHeight, int nWidth, LPCTSTR lpszFace, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, int nWeight, bool bItalic, bool bUnderline, bool bStrikeOut, BYTE fbCharSet, BYTE fbOutPrecision, BYTE fbClipPrecision, BYTE fbQuality, BYTE fbPitchAndFamily);
void settextstyle(const LOGFONT *font);    // Set current text style
void gettextstyle(LOGFONT *font);        // Get current text style

// Image related functions
void loadimage(IMAGE *pDstImg, LPCTSTR pImgFile, int nWidth = 0, int nHeight = 0, bool bResize = false);                    // Load image from a file (bmp/gif/jpg/png/tif/emf/wmf/ico)
void loadimage(IMAGE *pDstImg, LPCTSTR pResType, LPCTSTR pResName, int nWidth = 0, int nHeight = 0, bool bResize = false);    // Load image from resources (bmp/gif/jpg/png/tif/emf/wmf/ico)
void saveimage(LPCTSTR pImgFile, IMAGE* pImg = NULL);                                                                        // Save image to a file (bmp/gif/jpg/png/tif)
void getimage(IMAGE *pDstImg, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight);                                                // Get image from device
void putimage(int dstX, int dstY, const IMAGE *pSrcImg, DWORD dwRop = SRCCOPY);                                                // Put image to device
void putimage(int dstX, int dstY, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, const IMAGE *pSrcImg, int srcX, int srcY, DWORD dwRop = SRCCOPY);        // Put image to device
void rotateimage(IMAGE *dstimg, IMAGE *srcimg, double radian, COLORREF bkcolor = BLACK, bool autosize = false, bool highquality = true);// Rotate image
void Resize(IMAGE* pImg, int width, int height);    // Resize the device
DWORD* GetImageBuffer(IMAGE* pImg = NULL);            // Get the display buffer of the graphics device
IMAGE* GetWorkingImage();                            // Get current graphics device
void SetWorkingImage(IMAGE* pImg = NULL);            // Set current graphics device
HDC GetImageHDC(IMAGE* pImg = NULL);                // Get the graphics device handle

// Other functions

int    getwidth();            // Get the width of current graphics device
int    getheight();        // Get the height of current graphics device

void BeginBatchDraw();    // Begin batch drawing mode
void FlushBatchDraw();    // Refreshes the undisplayed drawing
void FlushBatchDraw(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);    // Refreshes the undisplayed drawing
void EndBatchDraw();    // End batch drawing mode and refreshes the undisplayed drawing
void EndBatchDraw(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);    // End batch drawing mode and refreshes the undisplayed drawing

HWND GetHWnd();                                // Get the handle of the graphics window
const TCHAR* GetEasyXVer();                        // Get version of EasyX library

// Get user input as a dialog box
bool InputBox(LPTSTR pString, int nMaxCount, LPCTSTR pPrompt = NULL, LPCTSTR pTitle = NULL, LPCTSTR pDefault = NULL, int width = 0, int height = 0, bool bOnlyOK = true);

// Message
//    Category    Type                Description
//    EX_MOUSE    WM_MOUSEMOVE        Mouse moves
//                WM_MOUSEWHEEL        Mouse wheel is rotated
//                WM_LBUTTONDOWN        Left mouse button is pressed
//                WM_LBUTTONUP        Left mouse button is released
//                WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK    Left mouse button is double-clicked
//                WM_MBUTTONDOWN        Middle mouse button is pressed
//                WM_MBUTTONUP        Middle mouse button is released
//                WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK    Middle mouse button is double-clicked
//                WM_RBUTTONDOWN        Right mouse button is pressed
//                WM_RBUTTONUP        Right mouse button is released
//                WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK    Right mouse button is double-clicked
//    EX_KEY        WM_KEYDOWN            A key is pressed
//                WM_KEYUP            A key is released
//    EX_CHAR        WM_CHAR
//    EX_WINDOW    WM_ACTIVATE            The window is activated or deactivated
//                WM_MOVE                The window has been moved
//                WM_SIZE                The size of window has changed

// Message Category
#define EX_MOUSE    1
#define EX_KEY        2
#define EX_CHAR        4
#define EX_WINDOW    8

// Message Structure
struct ExMessage
    USHORT message;                    // The message identifier
        // Data of the mouse message
            bool ctrl        :1;        // Indicates whether the CTRL key is pressed
            bool shift        :1;        // Indicates whether the SHIFT key is pressed
            bool lbutton    :1;        // Indicates whether the left mouse button is pressed
            bool mbutton    :1;        // Indicates whether the middle mouse button is pressed
            bool rbutton    :1;        // Indicates whether the right mouse button is pressed
            short x;                // The x-coordinate of the cursor
            short y;                // The y-coordinate of the cursor
            short wheel;            // The distance the wheel is rotated, expressed in multiples or divisions of 120

        // Data of the key message
            BYTE vkcode;            // The virtual-key code of the key
            BYTE scancode;            // The scan code of the key. The value depends on the OEM
            bool extended    :1;        // Indicates whether the key is an extended key, such as a function key or a key on the numeric keypad. The value is true if the key is an extended key; otherwise, it is false.
            bool prevdown    :1;        // Indicates whether the key is previously up or down

        // Data of the char message
        TCHAR ch;

        // Data of the window message
            WPARAM wParam;
            LPARAM lParam;

// Message Function
ExMessage getmessage(BYTE filter = -1);                                        // Get a message until a message is available for retrieval
void getmessage(ExMessage *msg, BYTE filter = -1);                            // Get a message until a message is available for retrieval
bool peekmessage(ExMessage *msg, BYTE filter = -1, bool removemsg = true);    // Get a message if any exist, otherwise return false
void flushmessage(BYTE filter = -1);                                        // Flush the message buffer




  • 写回答

4条回答 默认 最新

  • GISer Liu 2024-02-17 10:45



    1. 头文件中定义了一些常量、类和函数,用于提供 EasyX 图形库的基本功能。
    2. 在类的定义部分存在问题,包括 IMAGE 类的重复定义,以及 LINESTYLE 和 FILLSTYLE 类的定义可能导致重复定义或冲突。


    1. 解决 IMAGE 类的重复定义问题:头文件中出现了两次 IMAGE 类的定义,需要将其中一次定义移除,以避免重复定义错误。建议保留在头文件中出现的第一次 IMAGE 类的定义,并移除第二次定义。
    2. 解决 LINESTYLE 和 FILLSTYLE 类的定义可能导致的重复定义或冲突:在头文件中,先使用了前置声明的方式声明了 LINESTYLE 和 FILLSTYLE 类,然后在后面进行了具体的定义。这种方式可能导致与其他文件中的定义冲突。建议将类的定义部分移动到实现文件中,在头文件中只保留类的声明,以避免重复定义或冲突。


     * EasyX Library for C++ (Ver:20220901)
     * https://easyx.cn
     * EasyX.h
     *        Provides the latest API.
    #pragma once
    #ifndef WINVER
    #define WINVER 0x0400            // Specifies that the minimum required platform is Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0.
    #ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
    #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500        // Specifies that the minimum required platform is Windows 2000
    #ifndef _WIN32_WINDOWS
    #define _WIN32_WINDOWS 0x0410    // Specifies that the minimum required platform is Windows 98
    #ifdef UNICODE
    #pragma comment(lib,"EasyXw.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib,"EasyXa.lib")
    #ifndef __cplusplus
    #error EasyX is only for C++
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <tchar.h>
    // EasyX Window Properties
    #define EX_SHOWCONSOLE        1        // Maintain the console window when creating a graphics window
    #define EX_NOCLOSE            2        // Disable the close button
    #define EX_NOMINIMIZE        4        // Disable the minimize button
    #define EX_DBLCLKS            8        // Support double-click events
    // Color constant
    #define    BLACK            0
    #define    BLUE            0xAA0000
    #define    GREEN            0x00AA00
    #define    CYAN            0xAAAA00
    #define    RED                0x0000AA
    #define    MAGENTA            0xAA00AA
    #define    BROWN            0x0055AA
    #define    LIGHTGRAY        0xAAAAAA
    #define    DARKGRAY        0x555555
    #define    LIGHTBLUE        0xFF5555
    #define    LIGHTGREEN        0x55FF55
    #define    LIGHTCYAN        0xFFFF55
    #define    LIGHTRED        0x5555FF
    #define    LIGHTMAGENTA    0xFF55FF
    #define    YELLOW            0x55FFFF
    #define    WHITE            0xFFFFFF
    // Color conversion macro
    #define BGR(color)    ( (((color) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((color) & 0xFF00FF00) | (((color) & 0xFF0000) >> 16) )
    class IMAGE
        int getwidth() const;            // Get the width of the image
        int getheight() const;            // Get the height of the image
        int            width, height;        // Width and height of the image
        HBITMAP        m_hBmp;
        HDC            m_hMemDC;
        float        m_data[6];
        COLORREF    m_LineColor;        // Current line color
        COLORREF    m_FillColor;        // Current fill color
        COLORREF    m_TextColor;        // Current text color
        COLORREF    m_BkColor;            // Current background color
        DWORD*        m_pBuffer;            // Memory buffer of the image
        LINESTYLE    m_LineStyle;        // Current line style
        FILLSTYLE    m_FillStyle;        // Current fill style
        virtual void SetDefault();        // Set the graphics environment as default
        IMAGE(int _width = 0, int _height = 0);
        IMAGE(const IMAGE &img);
        IMAGE& operator = (const IMAGE &img);
        virtual ~IMAGE();
        virtual void Resize(int _width, int _height);    // Resize image
    // Line style class
    class LINESTYLE
        LINESTYLE(const LINESTYLE &style);
        LINESTYLE& operator = (const LINESTYLE &style);
        virtual ~LINESTYLE();
        DWORD    style;
        DWORD    thickness;
        DWORD    *puserstyle;
        DWORD    userstylecount;
    // Fill style class
    class FILLSTYLE
        FILLSTYLE(const FILLSTYLE &style);
        FILLSTYLE& operator = (const FILLSTYLE &style);
        virtual ~FILLSTYLE();
        int        style;            // Fill style
        long    hatch;                // Hatch pattern
        IMAGE*    ppattern;            // Fill image

    根据以上修改,移除了第二次 IMAGE 类的定义,并将 LINESTYLE 和 FILLSTYLE 类的具体实现移到了实现文件中,保留了头文件中的类声明。这样可以避免重复定义或冲突的问题。



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  • 已结题 (查看结题原因) 2月17日
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  • 创建了问题 2月17日


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