i am running on php, mysql and using mootools1.2 as my js framework.
I want that all broken images should replace with a single error image.
How should i do this.
i am running on php, mysql and using mootools1.2 as my js framework.
I want that all broken images should replace with a single error image.
How should i do this.
this link may help , http://davidwalsh.name/custom-missing-image
1 window.addEvent('domready',function() {
2 /* version 1 */
3 $$('img.missing1').addEvent('error',function() {
4 this.set({
5 src: 'http://davidwalsh.name/dw-content/missing-image.jpg',
6 alt: 'Sorry! This image is not available!',
7 styles: {
8 width: 110,
9 height:40
10 }
11 });
12 });
13 /* version 2 */
14 $$('img.missing2').addEvent('error',function() {
15 this.set({
16 src: 'http://davidwalsh.name/dw-content/missing-image-2.jpg',
17 alt: 'Sorry! This image is not available!',
18 styles: {
19 width: 30,
20 height:28
21 }
22 });
23 });
24 });