dongqindan4406 2019-07-03 09:45
浏览 275


I want to create two Input Fields. One will save an Int the other one a value like K-0001. After saving those Input Fields and reloading the Form, I want to see inside the Fields the last Values they saved to the Database.

The reason I want to do it like this, is because that way I only need to change the last digit and can save the Form again. The Problem is I don't know how I can do that.

Example for better Explaining:

Field 1: First Value 20000. I Input the number 20001.
Field 2: First Value K-0000. I Input the text K-0001.

After saving my Form and Reloading it I want that it looks like this.

Field 1: Shows the Value 20001. I change it to 20005.
Field 2: Shows the Value K-0001. I change it to K-0005.

And again:

Field 1: Shows the Value 20005. I change it to 20007.
Field 2: Shows the Value K-0005. I change it to K-0007.

I guess that I need to create a Function which gets the Values from my Database. After that I need to put those inside my Input Fields, atleast that's what I'm thinking.



div class="customers form large-9 medium-8 columns content">
    <?= $this->Form->create($customer) ?>
        <legend><?= __('Neuen Kunden erstellen') ?></legend>
            echo $this->Form->control('tour_id', ['options' => $tours, 'empty' => true]);
/*          echo $this->Form->control('order', array('label' => __('Bestellung', true))); */
            echo $this->Form->control('kdnr', array('label' => __('Kundennummer', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('debinr', array('label' => __('Debitorennummer', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('anrede', array('label' => __('Anrede', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('name', array('label' => __('Name', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('strasse', array('label' => __('Straße', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('plz', array('label' => __('PLZ', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('ort', array('label' => __('Ort', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('tel', array('label' => __('Telefon', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('kontonummer', array('label' => __('Kontonummer', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('bankleitzahl', array('label' => __('Bankleitzahl', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('lastschrift', array('label' => __('Lastschrift', true)));            
            echo $this->Form->control('detail', array('label' => __('Weitere Details', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('betreuer_anrede', array('label' => __('Betreuer Anrede', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('betreuer_name', array('label' => __('Betreuer Name', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('betreuer_strasse', array('label' => __('Betreuer Straße', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('betreuer_plz', array('label' => __('Betreuer PLZ', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('betreuer_ort', array('label' => __('Betreuer Ort', true)));
            echo $this->Form->control('betreuer_on_bill', array('label' => __('Betreuer soll auf der Rechnung stehen', true)));
    <?= $this->Form->button(__('Bestätigen')) ?>
    <?= $this->Form->end() ?>


class CustomersTable extends Table
     * Initialize method
     * @param array $config The configuration for the Table.
     * @return void
    public function initialize(array $config)


        $this->belongsTo('Tours', [
            'foreignKey' => 'tour_id'
        $this->hasMany('Bills', [
            'foreignKey' => 'customer_id'
        $this->hasMany('Orders', [
            'foreignKey' => 'customer_id'

     * Default validation rules.
     * @param \Cake\Validation\Validator $validator Validator instance.
     * @return \Cake\Validation\Validator
    public function validationDefault(Validator $validator)
            ->allowEmptyString('id', 'create');


            ->maxLength('kdnr', 45)

            ->maxLength('debinr', 31)

            ->maxLength('anrede', 45)

            ->maxLength('name', 45)

            ->maxLength('strasse', 45)


            ->maxLength('ort', 45)

            ->maxLength('tel', 45)


            ->maxLength('kontonummer', 32)

            ->maxLength('bankleitzahl', 32)


            ->maxLength('betreuer_anrede', 45)

            ->maxLength('betreuer_name', 45)

            ->maxLength('betreuer_strasse', 45)


            ->maxLength('betreuer_ort', 45)


        return $validator;

     * Returns a rules checker object that will be used for validating
     * application integrity.
     * @param \Cake\ORM\RulesChecker $rules The rules object to be modified.
     * @return \Cake\ORM\RulesChecker
    public function buildRules(RulesChecker $rules)
        $rules->add($rules->existsIn(['tour_id'], 'Tours'));

        return $rules;

I hope I explained my Goal well enough and didn't forgot something. I'm still learning so if I forogt something just let me know and I will edit my Question.

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  • dongshi1102 2019-07-05 07:55

    Found my Solution!

    I created a function inside my Controller to get me the Values i need:


    $query = $this->Customers->find('list', [
                'order' => ['Customers.kdnr' => 'DESC'],
                'valueField' => 'kdnr',
                'limit' => 1]);
            $kdnr = $query->first();
            $query = $this->Customers->find('list', [
                'order' => ['Customers.debinr' => 'DESC'],
                'valueField' => 'debinr',
                'limit' => 1]);
            $debinr = $query->first();
            $this->set(compact('customer', 'tours', 'kdnr', 'debinr'));

    after that I only needed to add my $kdnr and $debinr to my ctp.


    echo $this->Form->control('kdnr',['value' => $kdnr]);
    echo $this->Form->control('debinr',['value' => $debinr]);

    That was all I needed to do.

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