梦云游 2024-04-01 14:33 采纳率: 0%
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[root@controllerljh∽] nova image-list
Could not find any suitable endpoint. Correct region?




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  • 码农阿豪@新空间代码工作室 Java领域优质创作者 2024-04-01 14:53
    问题:在OpenStack的Nova服务中使用命令“nova image-list”报错“Could not find any suitable endpoint. Correct region?”,如何解决? 回答:
    1. 检查nova.conf配置文件中的keystone_authtoken部分,确认keystone服务的认证地址、用户名和密码是否正确。 例如: [keystone_authtoken] auth_uri = http://controller:5000/v2.0 identity_uri = http://controller:35357 admin_tenant_name = service admin_user = nova admin_password = NOVA_PASS
    2. 检查nova.conf配置文件中的glance部分,确认glance服务的地址和认证方式是否正确。 例如: [glance] host = controller port = 9292 api_servers = http://controller:9292 auth_url = http://controller:5000/v2.0 auth_strategy = keystone glance_api_servers = http://controller:9292
    3. 检查系统环境变量中的OS_REGION_NAME是否设置为正确的区域名称。 例如: export OS_REGION_NAME=RegionOne
    4. 检查系统环境变量中的OS_AUTH_URL是否设置为正确的认证地址。 例如: export OS_AUTH_URL=http://controller:5000/v2.0
    5. 如果以上步骤都正常,可以尝试重新启动nova和glance服务。 例如: service openstack-nova-api restart service openstack-nova-scheduler restart service openstack-nova-conductor restart service openstack-glance-api restart service openstack-glance-registry restart
    6. 如果问题仍未解决,可以查看日志文件,了解更详细的错误信息。 例如: tail -f /var/log/nova/nova-api.log tail -f /var/log/glance/api.log 代码示例: $ export OS_REGION_NAME=RegionOne $ export OS_AUTH_URL=http://controller:5000/v2.0 $ nova image-list 或者: [root@controller ~]# vi /etc/nova/nova.conf ... [glance]

    Host name or IP address for the Glance API server

    host = controller

    Port for the Glance API server

    port = 9292

    Protocol to use when connecting to the Glance API server (http or https)

    (string value)

    #protocol = http

    Timeout for connecting to Glance (in seconds)

    #timeout = 60

    Number of retries when a request to Glance fails

    num_retries = 1

    CA certificate file to use to verify SSL connections

    #ca_file = /opt/stack/data/ca-bundle.pem

    Authentication URL for connecting to Glance in admin context

    auth_url = http://controller:5000/v2.0

    Authorization strategy to use when connecting to Glance in admin context

    keystone or noauth (string value)

    auth_strategy = keystone

    Name of container to store disk images in Glance (string value)


    Recreate missing disk images if possible (boolean value)

    (supported only by imagecache backed instances) (boolean


    #checksum = true

    Directory to use for lock files during image downloads (string value)

    #lock_path = /var/lib/nova/tmp

    Number of seconds to wait between image status checks when downloading an image

    (integer value)

    #image_status_timeout = 30

    Location of ca certicates file to use for glance client requests when https is used to

    communicate with glance (string value)

    #glance_ca_certificates_file =

    Allow to perform insecure SSL (https) requests to glance (boolean value)

    #gclient_insecure = false

    Internal Glance API endpoint override (URL string value)

    #internal_endpoint = http://localhost:9292/

    Admin Glance API endpoint override (URL string value)

    #admin_endpoint = http://localhost:9292/

    Notification topics (multi valued)

    (list value)

    notification_topics = notifications,glance_notifications

    Notification driver to use for sending Glance notifications (string value)

    notification_driver = messagingv2 [opt1] ... [root@controller ~]# service openstack-nova-api restart [root@controller ~]# service openstack-nova-scheduler restart [root@controller ~]# service openstack-nova-conductor restart [root@controller ~]# service openstack-glance-api restart [root@controller ~]# service openstack-glance-registry restart




  • 修改了问题 4月1日
  • 创建了问题 4月1日


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