douqi0090 2017-09-04 08:56
浏览 65


I have taken a login script from one of my other projects and was setting it up for my current one. After creating the database (it has no entrys) and uploading the files to the FTP, I went to the INDEX page but after I tried logging in once with incorrect details nothing happend, normally it should display a message saying 'incorrect credentials' but it didn't. I set up echo commands at various points within the code and managed to narrow down the error to one line. That line is setting a variable called $sql to a prepared SELECT statement, for some reason this is stopping the code as any echo commands placed after that will not run. Any ideas as to what is going on and how I can fix it? Or do you guys think it would be better to follow a more up login system? That seems to include tokens which will also be helpful for security.

        // Confirm login
            echo "1";
            $username = $_POST['username'];
            $password = $_POST['pass'];
            if(isset($_POST) && $username != '' && $password != ''){
                echo "2".$username;
                $sql = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id,password,psalt FROM users WHERE username=?");
                echo "3";
                if($sql->rowCount() > 0) {
                while($result = $sql -> fetch()){
                    $pass = $result['password'];
                    $p_salt = $result['psalt'];
                    $id = $result['id'];
                echo "3";
                $salted_hash = hash('sha256',$password.$site_salt.$p_salt);
                if($pass == $salted_hash){
                    echo "5";
                    $_SESSION['user'] = $id;
                } else {
                     echo "<h2>Username/Password is Incorrect.</h2>";
                     echo "<a href='register.php'>Register Here</a>";
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  • douao3063 2017-09-04 09:51

    One thing you need to note rowCount() is not guaranteed to give accurate results when used within the SELECT statement, its normally used to returns the number of rows affected by the last DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement executed by the corresponding PDOStatement object.

    After select in your case you might need to fetch all your results as an array then use the count() method to count the number of elements returned.

    so try the following code :

    // Confirm login
    echo "1";
    $username = $_POST['username'];
    $password = $_POST['pass'];
    if (isset($_POST) && $username != '' && $password != '') {
        echo "2" . $username;
        $sql = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id,password,psalt FROM users WHERE username=?");
        echo "3";
        $result = $sql->fetchall(); //fetch all results as array
        if (count($result) > 0) {
            foreach ($result as $key => $row) {
                $pass   = $row['password'];
                $p_salt = $row['psalt'];
                $id     = $row['id'];
                echo "3";
                $site_salt   = "salthashhere";
                $salted_hash = hash('sha256', $password . $site_salt . $p_salt);
                if ($pass == $salted_hash) {
                    echo "5";
                    $_SESSION['user'] = $id;
                } else {
                    echo "<h2>Username/Password is Incorrect.</h2>";
                    echo "<a href='register.php'>Register Here</a>";
            }//end foreach
        } else {
            // account does not exist
            echo "<h2>account does not exist.</h2>";
            echo "<a href='register.php'>Register Here</a>";

    PS : You might wanna look and take the advantage of php builtin password_hash() and password_verify() they are much more secured.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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