dongzaotiao2863 2013-02-12 22:17
浏览 107


This may be trivial, but when I want to store a timestamp value (returned by, say, time()) into a TIMESTAMP column in my MySQL table, which of these two are preferable:

function storeTime($timestamp) {
   // Option one:
   $query = "INSERT INTO faketable (datecol) VALUES (FROM_UNIXTIME(".$timestamp."))";
   // Option two:
   $query = "INSERT INTO faketable (datecol) VALUES (".date("YY-MM-DD HH:MM:II", $timestamp).")";

Is there even a difference?

EDIT: Sorry, meant date(), not strtotime()...

EDIT 2: NOW() doesn't cut the mustard, the actual timestamp is a paramater sent to my method. I don't know what it is in advance.

EDIT 3: I really shouldn't be asking questions at this time of night. The column in question is, in fact, a TIMESTAMP column, not a DATETIME column.

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