I was trying to scrape imdb by following code.
$url = "http://www.imdb.com/search/title?languages=en|1&explore=year";
$html = new simple_html_dom();
$html->load(str_replace(' ','',$data = get_data($url)));
foreach($html->find('#left') as $total_movies)
$content = $total_movies->plaintext;
if(preg_match("/(?<total>[0-9,]+) titles/",$content,$matches))
echo $content."<br>";
get_data() is just a curl function i created.
The problem is that preg_match is not working. i don't know why but the same thing when used work here. $content contains the text what i scrape in above code.
$content = "1-50 of 101 titles.";
if(preg_match("/(?<total>[0-9,]+) titles/",$content,$matches))