i first import a pdf using fpdi to make a fpdf object, i then perform several changes on that pdf. I clone it to make a custom pdf just adding some texts. Then i output the two files to disk but just one is created and i got a fatal error for the second output :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::closeFile() in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP 3.0\www\oursin\oursin\public\scripts\FPDI\fpdi.php on line 534
pieces of my code:
$pdf = new FPDI('L','mm',array(291.6,456));
// add a page
$tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1);
methods on $pdf
$pdfCopie=clone $pdf;
methods on $pdfCopie
$pdfCopie-> Output($repertoireGrilles.'grillesQuotidiennes/'.$date.'/Grille_'.$date.'_'.$ou.'_copie.pdf','F');
$pdf-> Output($repertoireGrilles.'grillesQuotidiennes/'.$date.'/Grille_'.$date.'_'.$ou.'.pdf','F');
Anybody to help me to tackle this issue that keeps my brain under high pressure for hours (days) :) ?