I am using the latest Codeigniter and MorrisJS. I have created a View for the Charts and passing dynamic data through JSON, but that does not seem to work. I have made sure that all the dependent JS and CSS for MorrisJS is mapped on the View. When I give dummy data statically into the Chart options, it generates the chart perfectly. Only does not work when the JSON data is passed. Please could you guide me on this, I am sure I have made a silly mistake, but am not able to figure it out.
My View:
<div id="myfirstchart" style="height: 250px;"></div>
element: 'myfirstchart',
data: <?php echo $graphData; ?>,
xkey: 'MonthName',
ykeys: ['totalTicket'],
labels: ['Value']
My Controller:
public function index(){
My Model:
class Reports_model extends CI_Model{
function display_monthOnMonth_records(){
$this->db->select('MONTHNAME(CreatedOn) as MonthName, count(TicketID) as totalTicket');
return $query->result();
When I run this, I see on the Chrome Browser/page Inspect(F12), that data is showing for the data input, but it is not creating the Chart on Page.
From the Browser Inspect Result:
element: 'myfirstchart',
data: {"data":[{"MonthName":"January","totalTicket":"2500"},{"MonthName":"February","totalTicket":"2200"},{"MonthName":"March","totalTicket":"2350"}]},
xkey: 'MonthName',
ykeys: ['totalTicket'],
labels: ['Value']