2401_86399222 2024-07-19 13:29 采纳率: 0%
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上课要交,这个在干嘛,有没有人帮忙教一下,也许不是Python,我文科生不懂AI+X: Deep Learning (Summer, Exam)You are asked to analyze a music dataset from Spotify(we have seen the Kaggle example in  class).The‘music-data. csv’is available to download in LMS. It has multiple columns(features) and  rows, each row representation of a song. You will be using this dataset to complete the  following Question 1.*Question 1: Feature Engineering & Prediction. Download‘music-aix. R’to begin. You areasked to complete the code in this file, building a prediction model. This R file consists of  Step1 to 4.For Step 2 and 3:  Read the instructions(# comments) very carefully. Choose your features to train and  make appropriate model.  If you come with your own feature, then explain briefly and include in your code. For  example, you can compute the average value of some features and may use it as an  extra feature to consider. However, do not use average of some features as your new  feature. You can come up with your own idea.For Step 4:  The output is a csv file with two columns. Copy and paste the first 20 lines of your  ‘accuracy. csv’file. Do not submit the entire csv file.Submission:Put the outputs of Question 1 to a single PDF file: including source code, graphs, and your  answers. Submit to LMS online.

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  • Besko 2024-07-19 14:46

    就是让你分析Spotify的音乐数据集,让你在LMS(你们的什么系统?)下载,通过实现下载下来的music-aix.R,也就是用R语言来实现。主要是完成一个特征工程和预测的作业,数据集包含row和columns,每一行代表一首歌,每一列代表一些feature,需要你自己构建prediction model,来处理这个下载下来的数据集




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