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How to organize and format the reference list in Harvard format?

In Harvard format, the reference list should be arranged alphabetically, usually based on the author's surname. If there are multiple works from the same author, arrange them by publication year from morning till night. Each reference should include the following information: author's surname and first letter, publication year, book title (in italics), publication location and publisher, or journal article title, journal name (in italics), volume number, issue number, and page number. The format example is as follows:

Smith, J. (2020). Understanding Psychology. New York: Academic Press.
Doe, A. (2021). ‘ Cognitive Development’, Journal of Psychology, 12(3), pp. 45-67.
Ensure that the format of the entire list is consistent, using the same punctuation and indentation style to enhance the professionalism and readability of the document.

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  • 码踏云端 Java领域新星创作者 2024-09-12 10:42


    Smith, J. (2020). Understanding Psychology. New York: Academic Press.
    Doe, A. (2021). ‘Cognitive Development’, Journal of Psychology, 12(3), pp. 45-67.





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